Bluetooth Remote Control Using Bluetooth and the Rotation sensors in NXT motors, it is possible to create a remote-controlled robot using two NXT bricks. This PowerPoint shows how to make a simple remote control, but there are ample opportunities for extension.
Making a Remote Control The simplest remote control is made by attaching “paddles” to the NXT motors. An example is shown below.
Programming Steps When a paddle on the Remote Control (RC) is pushed forward, the Rotation sensor inside the NXT motor is read and passed by Bluetooth to the EduBot brick. The above step is done for both paddles and placed in an indefinite loop. Upon receiving the Rotation sensor readings, the EduBot program wires these values into the Power input on a respective Move block for each wheel. The EduBot program is also placed in an indefinite loop so Bluetooth messages can be continually received from the paddle remote control.
Programming the RC First step is to Zero the Rotation sensors The following text can be displayed on the NXT Screen: Reset the Rotation Sensors on the Paddles. “Place paddles in an upright starting position – then press the orange button to begin.” Wait for Press of the Orange Button. Note: You need a new Display block for each line of text – and deselect the clear check box for every display icon except the first.
Programming the Remote Control Add to previous blocks Now for recording Paddle position and sending. Read the value for the B Rotation sensor. Pass this message to the Btooth block for sending (via Mailbox 1). Read the value for the C Rotation sensor. Pass this message to the Btooth block for sending (via Mailbox 2). Put all the above in an indefinite loop.
Programming the EduBot Start a new program: Receive the Bluetooth value for Mailbox 1. Wire this into a Motor B block. Receive the Bluetooth value for Mailbox 2. Wire this into a Motor C block. Put all the above in an indefinite loop.
Download Programs Download the two programs to the Remote Control and Edubot respectively. Ensure the EduBots have established a Bluetooth connection. For more on how to do this go to EducateNXT Establishing a Bluetooth Connection PowerPoint The world is now your remote oyster!