Deforestation and Forestry Management WILF: Outcomes: All must be able to describe the causes and consequences of deforestation and be able to describe the methods used in forestry management. Most should be able to explain the term ‘agricultural exploitation’ and explain the value of preserving natural woodland. Some could consider data to make judgements about how to balance the need for production with conservation WALT
Why is deforestation happening? What are the consequences? Causes: land for agriculture by subsistence farmers cash crops large scale timber extraction. Consequences: reduction in biodiversity soil erosion increase sediment deposits climate change the loss of valuable sources of plant chemicals that might have potential benefits for humans.
How are Forests Managed? land-use-pt-1-2/1143.html land-use-pt-1-2/1143.html Look at the handout, discuss the answers (5 minutes) Any questions? Watch the video clip and make brief notes
inable-forestry-using-animal- power/11966.html inable-forestry-using-animal- power/11966.html How can the conflict between demand for timber and the need for conservation be resolved?
Deforestation and Forestry Management WILF: Outcomes: All must be able to describe the causes and consequences of deforestation and be able to describe the methods used in forestry management. Most should be able to explain the term ‘agricultural exploitation’ and explain the value of preserving natural woodland. Some could consider data to make judgements about how to balance the need for production with conservation WALT