Agro-Forestry Reduces agric related GHGs- CO 2, N 2 O, CH 4 Potential for sequestering carbon. Shading effects of agro- forestry trees can buffer temperature and atmospheric saturation deficit. 919,860 seedlings have been distributed within the last 3 years Conserves biodiversity. Pathways to food security. Increases soil organic matter and nitrogen fixation, hence improves soil fertility. Protects against damaging effects of wind or water flow. Reduces soil/water erosion and sedimentation in rivers, etc. 1
Rice For Job Programme Location: Itoga, Badagry and Itoiki, Epe. Strengthens production capacity of rice farmers. 35Ha of land irrigated to reduce the dependence of our farmers on rain fed rice production Uses modern rice farming technique on 200 hectares annually without land degradation and loss of soil fertility. Reduces GHG emissions such as Carbon dioxide (CO 2), Methane (CH 4 ) especially released from rice paddies. Enhances food security. Ensures use of environment-friendly agro- chemicals. Embraces the use of good irrigation system for optimum production. Creates employment opportunities in the rice value chain and alleviates poverty. 3
Promotion of Greenhouse Vegetable Production Greenhouse allows for greater control over the uncertain climatic conditions. Able to control/regulate temperature, levels of light and shade, irrigation, fertilizer application, and atmospheric humidity. Enables certain crops to be grown throughout the year even in uncertain climatic conditions. Greenhouse utilizes maximally available parcel of land and marginally improves food production in areas of scarce land. 6 Greenhouses introduced schools under School Agric Programme 16 Greenhouses given to Farmers at Iyafin Vegetable Estate 2 Greenhouses established in Songhai 6 Greenhouses established in Araga on 2ha of Land 4 Greenhouses established in Agbowa Arable Crop Estate 5