Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Southern Pine Forests Dr. Lisa Samuelson Alumni Professor, Dwain G. Luce Professor of Forestry School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences
Developing Tools for Ecological Forestry and Carbon Management in Longleaf Pine Dr. Lisa Samuelson (Lead PI), Auburn University Co-PIs from University of Florida, USDA Forest Service Total Funding for 5 years:$2.6 million AU: $2.0 million
Developing Tools for Ecological Forestry and Carbon Management in Longleaf Pine 3% longleaf pine forest remains, majority on federal lands. Integrated natural resource management by DoD requires tools for ecological forestry and C management. Project goals: 1. Develop models to simulate growth and C sequestration of longleaf pine forests on DoD forest lands. 2. Support model calibration and validation by quantifying ecosystem C pools and developing biometric and allometric functions. 3. Simulate the effects of land use practices and forest management on life- cycle C balance, biodiversity, and sustained ecological yield. 3
Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation Project A NIFA-Funded Climate Change Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP) Google Earth The Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation Project (PINEMAP) is a Coordinated Agricultural Project funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Award # For more information, visit ~126 team members, 11 southeastern universities plus the USDA Forest Service Total Funding $20 million over 5 years, AU $580,000
Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation project (PINEMAP) is a Coordinated Agricultural Project funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Award # Goals To create, synthesize, and disseminate the necessary knowledge to enable southern forest landowners to harness loblolly pine forest productivity to mitigate atmospheric CO 2; more efficiently utilize nitrogen and other fertilizer inputs; and adapt their forest management approaches to increase resilience in the face of changing climate.
PINEMAP Outcome Themes Disciplinary Aims Contribute to Broader Integrated Project Goals Aim 5 Education Aim 6 Extension Aim 4 LCA/Pol/ Econ Aim 3 Genetics Aim 2 Models Aim 1 Field Ecology Mitigation Adaptation Education and Extension