VET in Ireland 1 Labour market Overall education & training system
Economy & labour market A small, open, trade-dependent economy, increasingly based on the hi-tech & internationally traded services sectors Onset of global financial crisis + near total collapse in property and construction markets (second half 2008) = rapidly contracting economy sectoral decline in construction and related professions, e.g. engineering and architecture8 Unemployment up from a low of 4.4% in 2004 to 14.24% in February 2012
Economic sector (NACE Rev. 2) '000 Oct. – Dec MalesFemalesTotal persons A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B-E Industry F Construction G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles H Transportation and storage I Accommodation and food service activities J Information and communication K-L Financial, insurance and real estate activities M Professional, scientific and technical activities N Administrative and support service activities O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security P Education Q Human health and social work activities R-U Other NACE activities Total ,807.8 NOTE : ISCO – 88 table in text Employment by NACE Rev
Education/skills profile The National Skills Strategy (2007) recommended that: A total of 500,000 individuals who do not have upper secondary (ISCED 3/Level 5 NFQ) or equivalent move up NFQ one level by 2020 Specifically, there is a need to upskill: 70,000 from NFQ Levels 1 & 2 to NFQ Level 3 (ISCED 2) 260,000 up to NFQ Levels 4 & 5 (ISCED 3) 170,000 to NFQ Levels (ISCED 5a, 5b & 6)
Structure of the national education and training system Adult (aged 16 & over) education & training in: VECs FÁS BIM Fáilte Ireland Teagasc Community, commercial & other training centres Universities Institutes of Technology Enterprises
National Framework of Qualifications Levels 1 – 6 FETAC Further Education and Trainng Awards Council (up ISCED 3/4) Levels 3 – 5 State Examinations Commission (ISCED 2 & 3) Levels 6 – 10 HETAC Higher Education and Trainng Awards Council (ISCED 4, 5a, 5b & 6) Levels 6 – 10 Dublin Institute of Technology (ISCED 4, 5a, 5b & 6) Levels 7 –10 Universities (ISCED 4, 5a, 5b & 6)
33 Vocational Education Committees (VECs) XX Department of Education and Skills Higher Education Authority (HEA) National Qualifications Authority XX State Examinations Commission (SEC ) Universities Institutes of Technology VET Colleges and Centres Post –primary schools with VET in upper secondary Vocatio nal Schools Current Governance in VET System HETAC XX FETAC XX FÁS HQ XX 8 FÁS Regional Centres + contracted providers XX Other Government Departments National Council for Curriculum & Assessment Sectoral Training BIM Teag asc
16 Education and Training Boards XX Department of Education and Skills Higher Education Authority (HEA) Qualifications and Quality Assurance Authority Ireland (QQAI) XX SOLAS XX State Examinations Commission (SEC) Universities Institutes of Technology VET Colleges and Centres Post –primary schools with VET in upper secondary Vocatio- nal Schools Proposed Governance in VET System by end of 2012 National Council for Curriculum / Assessment Other Government Departments Sectoral Training BIM Teag asc
Recovery.... National Recovery Plan November 2010 to restore order to the public finances & drive economic recovery... VET is a key recovery strategy