Oclaro DSDBR Comments on the Oclaro Documents: DSDBR Training;L5000VCJ Datasheet C-band and InP/InGaAs technology: the laser diode vertical structure The Phase element The Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) The Optical Shutter Considerations on Gain, Phase and SOA Bragg reflectors Tunable gratings The rear reflector The front reflector Overall Tuning The total chip structure Reliability issues for the chip Points to be clarified The Locker M.Vanzi January 2012
C-band and InP/InGaAs technology: the laser diode vertical structure The C-band ranges from 191 to 196 THz, which corresponds to optical wavelengths (in vacuum) from 1570 to 1530 nm and to photon energies from 0.79 to 0.81 eV. The ternary compound In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As has its bandgap at eV (at 300°K), that leads its spectrum for spontaneous emission (Eg Eg+2kT) to completely embrace the C-band. On the other side, this ternary compound is perfectly matched to the InP lattice, which allows for growing In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As by epitaxy on an InP substrate. Moreover, the higher bandgap of InP itself (1.27 eV at 300°K) makes InP perfectly suitable for building the confinement layers of a laser diode with its active layer made of that ternary compound. See my report: List of failure modes and mechanisms in Laser Diodes part 1/2. Appendix 2. Epitaxial rules for DH lasers
InP InGaAs InP InGaAs The Phase element.1 light The same structure may act as a phase element, provided: Light enters the element from outside at frequency No reflection exists at entrance and exit sides A low, independent, forward current is allowed to flow The injected current changes the charge density The charge density changes the refractive index n The phase change across the distance L is L Low current= no gain= absorption= attenuation
mirror gain phase laser current phase current A gain and a phase element can then be combined within a single monolithic structure The Phase element.2
mirror Phase change is equivalent to a change in the cavity length. Spectrum envelope unchanged Multimode operation survives Modes shift with phase change Mode spacing changes The Phase element.3
191 THz196 THz C-band channels Fine tuning of the Oclaro phase element spans a 50 GHz range, that is equivalent to the minimum separation between C-band channels The Phase element.4
The Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) InP InGaAs InP InGaAs light The same structure may act as an Optical Amplifier, provided: Light enters the element from outside at frequency No reflection exists at entrance and exit sides A high, independent, forward current is allowed to flow L High current= gain= no absorption= amplification The SOA is not a laser itself only because of the absence of its own resonant cavity It is a pumped element as for fiber amplifiers Anyway it also introduces a phase shift, because of the current injection It does not affect modality: even multimodes are equally amplified.
As for the phase element, at low current the SOA attenuates light because of optical absorption. This property is used enabling even reverse bias of the SOA, that turns itself into a highly absorbing element, that is an optical shutter The Optical Shutter
Two slides about… wrong solutions Considerations on Gain, Phase and SOA.1
Such a structure is : tunable and gain controllable, BUT multimodal and with SOA affecting phase control mirror gain phase laser current phase currentSOA current Amplifier /shutter A hypothetic structure Considerations on Gain, Phase and SOA.2
mirror gain phase laser current SOA current amplifier phase current Such a structure would avoid SOA interference on phase control BUT is not feasible in monolithic technology. And remains multimodal Another hypothetic structure Considerations on Gain, Phase and SOA.3
For tunability across the whole C-band one needs: 1)Single mode selection 2)Tunability 100 times wider than the range of the phase element 3)Cavity resonance 4)Gain flattening, if tuning affects gain 5)Monitoring of power and frequency The first two requirements ask for tunable gratings Considerations on Gain, Phase and SOA.4
Bragg reflectors.1 The “tails” of the optical wave, extending outside the active layer, sense the corrugation as an effective modulation of the refractive index along the waveguide nana ncnc ncnc ngng Effective index along the waveguide They are made of corrugated layers, with proper diffraction index, in the vicinity of the active layer. Apart from corrugation, the structure is the same as for the gain element waveguide light Moving wavefront tail
Any index variation acts on the propagating wave as an impedance variation for an electric signal. Reflected waves are originated at any corrugation point. They can interfere positively (strong reflection) or negatively (null reflection), depending on. The shape of the corrugation defines the reflection function R as a function of. The reflection function is related to the Fourier transform of the grating function Proper patterning of the grating allows for “R( ) engineering” Bragg reflectors.2
Tunable gratings.1 nana ncnc ncnc ngng Tuning current In order to span the whole C-band, the tuning should change by some 3%. This is excessive. As for the phase element, when a given forward current is fed across the structure, the overall refractive index of the waveguide is multiplied by a constant factor. That is equivalent to change = 0 /n That is, in turn, equivalent to stretch the grating, and then to change the reflection function R( )
phaserear Bragg reflector a 6a Assuming a similar width of the ridge, the contact area on the rear Bragg reflector is about 6 times the area of the phase element. On the other side, the maximum current fed into the latter is 60 mA, while in the former is 10. This means a similar maximum injected density of charges, and then a similar tuning range. Tunable gratings.2
The rear reflector.1 C band S bandL band In order to allow for full C-band coverage, the Oclaro rear Bragg reflector is designed to produce 7 peaks (supermodes), spaced of some 6-7 nm. Tuning will allow any wavelength in the C-band to be centered by at least one peak.
shift of a single peak Total shift of the “comb reflection” It remains only to select the supermode, that is the specific peak The rear reflector.2
The front reflector.1 The front reflector is made of a chirped grating. rear Bragg reflector front reflector It is made of a continuously varying pitch, that produces a broad, uniform reflection across the wole C-band.
The front reflector.2 Tuning When two adjacent contacts are fed by current, the effective local pitch is modified. This changes the reflection function, depleting some reflected wavelengths and enhancing others. A broad peak forms, able to select a single supermode 8 metal contacts, operated in pairs rear Bragg reflector front reflector tuned front reflector
Continuous tuning Supermode selection Overall Tuning
I SO A AR The total structure is then full integrated into a single monolithic element The total chip structure
Reliability issues for the chip Advantages: No movable parts Full internal cavity (no interfaces in open air) Only one thermal control needed No local mirrors (no COD) Disadvantages: Many corrugated epitaxial interfaces: risk of defect growth Rather high operating currents for rear reflector, coupled with corrugation Absorbing elements: need for a SOA (further current)
Points to be clarified 1.Vertical structure (TEM required) 2.Details of gratings (very many FIB-TEM required, in several locations) 3.Material analysis 1. The bent ridge in the SOA sections calls for a laterally confined optical guide. A BH solution is expected (see List of Failures part 1) 2.1 The rear grating, in order to give a comb reflection, is expected to be a sampled structure 2.2 The front grating, in order to give a wide flat reflection, is said to be a linearly chirped structure. This should be verified.
The Locker.1 P Split Transmit Primary beam Transmit( ) Reflection( ) Beamsplitter Photodiode (Rx) Photodiode (Tx) Etalon PD-1 -2 The locker elements are slightly rotated in order to avoid unwanted resonance between back reflections. The Etalon has a transmission function T given by (see my document: The Double Etalon …) Where that implies nd 3 mm The reflection function R is its complement to unit: Their ratio is It is useful to note that the beam reflected by the Etalon undergoes another splitting (dashed line) when crossing the splitter. This means that PD2 does not read the full reflection of the Etalon. Anyway, being the splitter weakly reflecting, in order to save power in the primary beam, or the attenuation at PD2 is neglected, or is compensated by upscaling the PD2 reading.
Ch 49Ch 50 The Locker.2 The Oclaro documents indicate the ratio R/T as determining the frequency, and the sum R+T as monitoring the total power. About power, it is clear that the sum R+T is proportional to the intensity of the transmitted primary beam. About frequency, Oclaro plots the difference T-R instead of the ratio R/T. The following graph plots everything. A value F=2 has been assumed in order to fit the original drawing. In any case, the 100GHz channels result perfectly tuned at the maxima and minima of the four curves The utility of the ratio R/T is that tunes the 50GHz channels exactly at midway of the descending or ascending nearly linear parts of the curve (where the intensity read by the two photodiodes is equal).