Enigma Meghan Emilio Faculty Sponsor: Ralph Morelli (Computer Science)
Objective There are two main objectives of this project First, to create a working simulation of an Enigma machine that is as faithful as possible. Second, to create an analyzer which will “break” Enigma. That is, decrypt messages even if little or no information about the original settings is known.
What is Enigma? Electrical enciphering machine widely used by the German Military during WWII. Breaking Enigma a turning point of the war. Has three rotating rotors, a plugboard and a reflector.
Rotors and Plugboard The rotors rotate in the following sequence: First rotor rotates each time a character is input. The second rotor rotates once each time the first rotor makes one full turn. The third rotor rotates once each time the second rotor has rotated completely. The plugboard provides a customizable swapping of pairs letters both before and after a character passed through the rotors.
Putting It All Together Rotor I Swap Rotor II Swap Rotor III Swap Plugboard Swap InputOutput Reflector Swap
Simulation Input English/Encrypted text and output Encrypted text/English Java Applet Faithful to rotor wirings and reflectors used during WWII
Analyzer Input encrypted text and output original English text No other input information is needed Assumes possession of an Enigma machine Assumes text was encrypted without a plug board Searches through possible decryptions using simulator and chooses the best one using Index of Coincidence (IC) as a scoring function
What is Index of Coincidence? Index of Coincidence (IC) is the probability that two randomly selected letters will be identical. IC is a statistical measure which distinguishes text encrypted polyalphabetically from text encrypted with a monoalphabetically. Every language has a calculated IC. For instance: English: Random Text:
Why IC? Enigma encryptions are polyalphabetic This allows for a heuristic algorithm Instead of searching all possible decryptions, take the first one that comes close to , as there should be only one. Effective on larger sample sizes (comparable to exhaustive search - see results) More efficient (relative to rotor setting - see results)
Problems with IC
Conclusion A computer program was made that was able to break Enigma messages both efficiently and effectively. Modern day computers make it relatively easy to decrypt Enigma messages. Thus, Enigma is an inadequate form of encryption for the present day.