This is a Magic PowerPoint or How to make sure this PowerPoint behaves like an Interactive Whiteboard.
Before you start: Open PowerPoint Click Tools Click Options Click Security Tag Click Macro Security Select Medium Close and re-open PowerPoint (you wont have to do any of that again)
i e n u g re-arrange the letters by clicking on them and moving to where you want to put them then click again to leave them n s
o re l g n e u e i n u l
un chien un éléphant un singe un serpent une grenouille un chameau une girafe un lion
orange vert jaune rouge bleu Un pantalon Un tee- shirt Un gantUn pullUn chapeau Click the square to find 2 yeux, 2 oreilles, 1 nez & 1 bouche
regarde Que fait le chien? homme. Le l chien
pas est mangée par Le singe mange la banane. le singe. La banane n'