1 Light-emitting Diodes Light-emitting Diodes for general lighting applications D.L. Pulfrey Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. V6T1Z4, Canada Day 2, May 28, 2008, Pisa
2 Examples of colour lighting EFS: Regensburg bridge EFS: 18 million LEDs in New York city
3 How much energy is used for lighting?
4 Lighting: growth and costs Tsao
5 LED roadmap Tsao
6 Basic operation Basic operation Radiative recombination
7 Recombination in direct- and indirect- bandgap materials
8 GaP is indirect ! How can this work? EFS
9 Competing NON-radiative recombination processes in direct-bandgap materials Pierret Phonons
10 Competing NON-radiative recombination processes in direct-bandgap materials Which of these 2 mechanisms is more likely to occur?
11 Minority carrier recombination lifetime
12 Minority carrier recombination lifetime due to non-radiative processes SRH Auger
14 Optical Output Power How do we relate this to current ?
15 What are these terms? LED efficiencies
16 Current efficiency EFS Fraction of LED current due to electrons recombining in the semiconductor (as opposed to at the contacts)
17 Improving the current efficiency EFS
18 Carrier capture, recombination, and escape EFS
19 Choice of material for heterostructure
20 AlGaAs/GaAs DH LED What is the algorithm for drawing band diagrams? What is the doping type of the active region? EFS
21 Heterojunction Band Diagrams e.g., n-Al 0.3 Ga 0.7 As (E g =1.80eV, =3.83eV) on p-GaAs (E g =1.42eV, =4.07eV) Separated system Joined system E 0, E l ECEFEVECEFEV e-barrier < h-barrier
22 Need short radiative lifetime - choose material What are the B values for Si and GaAs ? Need long non-radiative lifetime How do we get this? Radiative efficiency
23 Extraction efficiency Solve #2 with wide bandgap "cladding"
24TIR n r is about 3.5 for GaAs-family materials What is the critical angle? What is a typical value for ext in a cheap LED? EFS
25 Creative TIR EFS
26Reflectors Put reflector on top and use transparent substrate
27 Contact blocking
28 Current spreading layer
29 Photon "voltage" What is the photon energy? EFS
30 Intensity spectrum EFS
31 The range of AlGaInP LEDs
32 The range of AlInGaN LEDs
33 Operating voltage How can the LED survive being operated at V D Eg/q ?
34 Current control Why is it important to minimize T ? EFS
35 Effect of T on rad EFS What about the effect of T on non-rad ?
36 Thermal resistance
37 Brighter and brighter EFS
38 Achromatic Impression of white light via RGB White light
39 Generating LED white light
40 Perception of light
41 Eye sensitivity function What is luminous efficacy?
42 Colour matching functions Cone stimulation Chromaticity coordinates
43 Chromaticity diagram
44 Additive colour mixing What is the colour gamut?
45 Chromaticity and LEDs
46 Additive LEDs
47 Additive possibilities
48 Dichromatic LED Not quite complementary, but broadening (35nm for blue and 50nm for green) give possibility of white light. Li et al.,JAP, 94, 2167, 2003
49 White light using phosphors
50 Blue/yellow phosphor LEDs
51 Colour rendering Illuminated by: (a) high-CRI source (b) low-CRI source
52 Colour rendering with LED array
53 1/ nm LI = 1cd Integrate over sphere LF = 1 lm 50W halogen = 900 lm Illuminance is LI/area 1 lm/m 2 = 1 lux desk light 500 lux sunlight = 100,000 lux LI = luminous intensity LF = luminous flux LE = luminous efficiency (lm/W electrical ) Photometric units
54 Incandescent bulbs
55 Fluorescent bulbs
56 Challenges to white LED technologies And of course
58 What is wall-plug efficiency?
60 White-light LEDs are here!
61 Osram announces 1000 lm LED
62 The shape of things to come
63References EFS LUMILEDS Tsao, J.Y., Pierret, R.F., "Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals", Addison-Wesley, 1987 Fonstad, C., Computer-Science/6-772Spring2003/FDFCCD B733- 6A535E375BCE/0/Lecture18v2.pdfhttp://ocw.mit.edu/NR/rdonlyres/Electrical-Engineering-and- Computer-Science/6-772Spring2003/FDFCCD B733- 6A535E375BCE/0/Lecture18v2.pdf