2015 ORMATYC Conference Presenters: Jon Wherry, PCC Sonya Redmond, PCC Jeff Lacks, PCC
2-Term Sequence, MTH 58 and MTH 98 Each course is registered for as a 4 credit class, but meets for 5 hours per week (3 lecture & 2 lec/lab) MTH 58 has a corequisite. Students must also enroll in a 1 credit Math Study Skills Course (CG 58) How Math Literacy Is Used by Students at PCC MTH 58 is an option for Math Competency for some 2-year degrees MTH 98 is now an alternate prerequisite to MTH 105 (Math in Society) MTH 98 is being considered as a prerequisite to MTH 243 (Statistics). Next year we will collect and analyze data on how students with a MTH 98 background do in MTH 243 compared to students with a MTH 95 background before making a decision.
Application Driven Guided Group Work in Class (Very little or no lecture) Computer Work Required Daily Excel Assignments Online Homework
Manager – “Group Leader” Keeps the group on task and makes sure all members participate Resolves disputes among group members Asks the instructor questions for the group Outreach – “Group Spokesperson” Represents the views and conclusions of the group Presents the group’s answers to other groups or to the class Recorder – “Group Secretary” Keeps the official written record of what the group has done Reflector – “Group Analyst” Keeps track of what is going well and where improvement is needed Encourages all members to ask good questions to ensure understanding
30 minutes Lesson 3-4 Direct Variation Distribute Group Roles and Handouts
10 minutes From Lesson 3-4
Next Session: The Challenges of Math Literacy Please stay with us for a discussion session. We’ll talk about the challenges we have had as well as some of our solutions. We’d also love to hear from you about your challenges with math literacy. Contact Information: Jon Wherry Sonya Redmond Jeff Lacks dMarie Carver Emiliano Vega Stephanie Yurasits Virginia Somes