Combining multispectral and thermal infrared airborne remote sensing and airborne flux measurement for atmosphere- biosphere interaction studies WORKSHOP ON CLIMATIC ANALYSIS AND MAPPING FOR AGRICULTURE (14-17 June 2005, Bologna, Italy) B. Gioli, F. Miglietta (IBIMET CNR, Italy)
Summary: SKYARROW ERA PLATFORM Airborne eddy covariance flux measurements Airborne IR and multispectral remote sensing PRODUCTS Surface fluxes at the regional scale Vegetation indexes and surface temperature maps APPLICATIONS Multispectral remote sensing coupled with CO 2 fluxes IR remote sensing coupled with sensible heat fluxes CONCLUSIONS
Sky Arrow ERA Attitude GPS Net Radiation PAR Radiation IR camera Multispectral camera Laser altimeter Pressure Sphere T Fast Response T Low Response Novatel GPS IRGA GPS Electronics Switch BOX
The platform: NOAA Mobile Flux Platform (MFP) Measurement of 3D 50 Hz CO2, H2O, T fast sensors
The platform: Airborne Digital Mapping System - DFR Multispectral Digital Camera Duncan MS band (Green), 680 (Red), 780 (NIR) nm Dicroic Prisma 3CCD 1920 x 1080 Flir IR SC500 Camera Spectral range 7500 – nm CCD 320 x 240 microbolometer Range fighter Riegl LD90 e LD HR Measure range (without reflector) 1000 m Hz GPS attitude 4 antennas Measure of position and attitude Trigger to synchronize the acquisition of instruments Industrial PC DFR is a digital multispectral remote sensing system (3 CIR and 1 thermal bands) for mapping, thermography, maps of temperature and water monitoring.
The products 3D wind + scalar (T, H 2 O, CO 2 ) fast measurements (50 Hz) (eddy covariance tecnique) Surface fluxes along flight track (u *, H, LE, fCO 2 )
The products Multispectral images to derive vegetation indexes NDVI = (IR-Rd) / (IR+Rd) IR images to derive surface temperature maps
The projects: RECAB: (European Commission, V FP) CARBIUS ((Italy and USA Gov.) CarboEurope IP (European Commission, VI FP)
The goal: upscale directly measured airborne fluxes along a track to the region Aircraft track 3Km x90 Wind direction NDVI of the footprint area
Airborne remote sensing (NDVI) Surface flux measurements Vertical PBL profiles Applications: NDVI Vs fCO 2
Flight route NDVI
Forest Cropland C-flux (umol m-2 s-1) Applications: NDVI Vs fCO 2 NDVI LON
NDVI CO 2 flux Applications: NDVI Vs fCO 2
Applications: T sfc Vs H & LE Use T sfc to estimate T 0 in the flux footprint area Use direct H measurements to parametrize r a Apply parametrization at regional scale Bulk formulation of sensible heat flux c p is the volumetric heat capacity T 0 is the aerodynamic temperature at canopy source/sink height Ta is air temperature r a is the atmospheric resistance between canopy source/sink height and the ambient environment above the canopy
Experimental strategy 1 aircraft measuring surface fluxes and Tsfc over a small footprint 2 aircraft measuring surface fluxes and Tsfc in the entire flux footprint Tsfc from IR images H, LE direct measurement Applications: T sfc Vs H & LE
Rice and lake areas, Spain Evergreen forest, The Netherlands
Conclusions Acknowledgments: RECAB, (European Commission, V FP) CARBIUS ( ) (Ministero Ambiente e Territorio) CarboEurope IP ( ) (European Commission, VI FP) Airborne eddy covariance is a valuable tool for direct surface flux measurements at the regional scale Airborne remote sensing within the flux footprint area has been used to develop upscale schemes Potential for using satellite products to further bridge the gap between local airborne measurements and complete coverage