Support staff workplace responsibilities Scenario 7 - Dave
Cath - a supported employee Dave – the supervisor Joyce – a supported employee
Focus questions What actually happened do you think? What are the key issues here? Have you experienced this type of behaviour? What do you think Dave should do in this situation? What would you have done if you were Joyce? And Dave? (an honest response) Which Disability Services Standards does this scenario relate to?
Focus questions What are your organisation’s policies and procedures in relation to this kind of scenario? Are there policies and procedures in your organisation that you need to revise or update as a result of examining this scenario? Are there legal or other issues that relate to this scenario? What are they? Is there any legislation you should be aware of that relates to this scenario?
Exploring the issues What do you think will happen if Dave does not change his behaviour? What if Joyce did not mind Dave’s language? Would it be acceptable? What could happen as a consequence for the workplace if Dave confronts Joyce? Look at interpersonal and work relations.
Debrief questions How did you feel about us discussing this topic? What did you learn? How will you apply what you have learned?