Dave Worton Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of California - Berkeley Research Interests: Origins and composition of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols Development of mass spectrometric methods to separate and identify individual organic compounds present in atms aerosols Role of volatile organic carbon (AVOC + BVOC) emissions in formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) Gas-particle partitioning of semi-volatile organic carbon species Since last Workshop: Continued development of automated in-situ Thermal desorption Aerosol Gas chromatograph MS (TAG) instrument with GCxGC separation capability BEARPEX phase I summer 2007 – field study in Sierra Nevada Mtns
Biosphere Effects on AeRosols and Photochemistry EXperiment week study with full suite of gas phase VOC and aerosol measurements Focus on both forest- atmosphere interactions and photochemical processing within an urban plume BFRS Terpenes BEIS3.11 Reference Emissions (moles / km 2 / hr)
2 towers 4 containers of instruments Lift for HO x gradients Ponderosa Pine Plantation Planted in 1990, canopy height ~7m
Funded Collaboration Collaboration with Marianne Glasius Collected filters of PM 2.5 during BEARPEX Polar organics by HPLC-Q-TOF-MS HPLC-Q-TOF, University of Aarhus Hi-Vol sampler
Funded Collaboration Filter Collection Period 3 per day x 5 days first rain large and rapid temperature and relative humidity transition hot and dry cooler and more humid biogenic marker cpds 256