Having fun with numeracy and maths Dave Tout, ACER tout@acer.edu.au
Teaching numeracy Teach in context – connect to the real world – use real texts and real situations Use a problem solving, investigative, open-ended approach Start from where students are at – allow for different levels, different ways of doing Use different strategies and activities – cater for different learning styles Scaffold and model – support the learners Make the maths skills explicit Use individual, small and whole group activities Connect language and maths – crucial Build confidence – have fun and success!
Teaching numeracy – fun and games
Teaching numeracy – fun and games
Teaching numeracy – fun and games
Value of words
Teaching numeracy - Real life materials
Teaching numeracy Co-operative logic problems encourages maths talk encourages sharing of knowledge and understanding enables the teacher to observe the skills and knowledge of stuents supports problem solving skills and teamwork too Fun too!
Teaching numeracy Statistics and data: A good way to introduce a topic Integrates literacy and numeracy skills Encourages research skills Encourages/supports IT skills Supports problem solving skills and teamwork too
Some resources and references See Handouts for a list of resources. Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2007) Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey: Summary results, Australia (cat. no. 4228.0), Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra Bynner, John & Parsons, Samantha (2005) Does numeracy matter more?, National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC), London Bynner, John & Parsons, Samantha (1997) Does numeracy matter? Evidence from the National Child Development Study on the impact of poor numeracy on adult life, Basic Skills Agency, London FitzSimons, G., Mlcek, S., Hull, O. & Wright, C. 2005, Learning numeracy on the job: A case study of chemical handling and spraying, NCVER, Adelaide. Gleeson, Lynne, 2005, Economic returns to education and training for adults with low numeracy skills, NCVER, Adelaide. Hartley, Robyn & Horne, Jackie, (2006) Social and economic benefits of improved adult literacy: Towards a better understanding, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Adelaide Marr, Beth & Hagston, Jan, (2007) Thinking beyond numbers: Learning numeracy for the future workplace, NCVER, Adelaide. Marr, Beth; Helme. Sue & Tout, Dave, (2003) Rethinking assessment: strategies for holistic adult numeracy assessment. A resource book for practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and teachers, Language Australia, Melbourne 2003 Tout, Dave, (1991) ‘Language and Maths’ in Marr, Beth; Helme. Sue & Tout, Dave, Breaking the Maths Barrier, Department of Employment, Education and Training, Canberra Tout, Dave & Motteram, Gary, (2006) Foundation Numeracy in Context, ACER Press, Camberwell, Victoria