Postcode look-up - a standard approach? Dave Denison Consultant, IDeA
Smartcards and addressing All smartcards need to identify their owner Address data is fundamental to identity …so putting an address onto a smartcard will resolve things …if only it were that simple! Which address – PAF, Address-Point, NLPG? What are the standards? How to get the data? Where to get the supporting software? Who can help?
Which Address? - NLPG! The National Land and Property Gazetteer is a tool from local government -all local authorities are partners in the Mapping Services Agreement -all local authorities maintain local gazetteers -Local Government Information House – a wholly owned subsidiary of the IDeA – procured a national version of all local gazetteers collated into NLPG -Intelligent Addressing run the Hub to maintain NLPG
Why NLPG? (1) From local government, for local government Supports BS7666 standard – LG input to design Already in use in service delivery by local authority functions eg CTax, CRM, Emergency Services etc Free licence to use within local authorities …almost! Highest coverage on addresses (…says ONS) Unique property reference number (UK-wide) Geographic coordinates for properties – accurate location
Why NLPG? (2) Level of information –aliases; multiple occupancy; objects without a postal address Currency of information – NLPG’s update cycle can be just a few days for each event in the property lifecycle from planning application to demolition Time-stamping – Royal Mail change Postcodes from time to time. NLPG holds historic details of old Postcodes that can be searched for full address.
Safeguard the future GI Panel recommendations on UK GI Strategy Dispute between IDeA and OS on licensing terms Royal Mail collection of new addresses not reconciled But… NLPG represents the local government contribution to the addressing process. Any future situation will need to recognise LG role, and previous investment. Using NLPG is best way of insuring continuity. Addressing is the subject of much debate! Though you might need to wear one of these to take part!
How to get the data Contact your Authority Liaison Officer (ALO) for the Mapping Services Agreement (MSA) – every local authority has one. If you can’t identify the ALO contact NLPG via the web-site ALOs liaise with Intelligent Addressing to provide the data you want, in the format you want, with the update frequency you require. Health Warnings If you wish to receive data from outside your own geographic area then you may be required to pay charges to Royal Mail and Ordnance Survey. If you wish to use address searches on local authority web-sites you may be required to pay charges to the Royal Mail.
Software tools Most local authorities use an accredited software supplier to load and maintain their gazetteer data (although some have in-house software). The list of accredited suppliers can be found at:- To load databases and build applications QAS have developed software tools that integrate with NLPG data. Their Quick Address software allows developers to integrate address search applications on web-sites for public use. See:-
Who can help? Local Government Information House Intelligent Addressing Web site Or, contact me : Dave Denison Tel or