Business Plan Executive Summary
Welcome to the Open Court Business Plan Executive Summary Template! Introduction Welcome to the Open Court Business Plan Executive Summary Template! Please complete this Business Plan template for your presentation at Open Court. Importantly: Be clear and concise Complete all sections Limit response to 1 slide per Topic (2 max)
Topic Areas 1. Company Background 2. Executive Summary 3. Management Team 4. Customers, Segments & Needs 5. Market, Channels, Internet 6. Value Proposition, Your Solution 7. Competition / Barriers to Entry 8. Risk Factors 9. Brands & Go-to-Market Strategy 10. Pipeline & Infrastructure 11. Financial Overview 12. Funding Sought – Use of Funds Summary 13. Alliances or Partnerships 14. Intellectual Property 15. Manufacturing, Quality, Regulatory 16. Exit Strategy 17. Final Thoughts – Additional Information
Company Background Company Name Leadership Type of legal entity (check box), date incorporated Web site Address Leadership Key Managers: Names, Titles Primary Contact Information Key Contact: Mailing/e-mail address, phone #’s
Executive Summary Brief Company (Product or Service) Description What is your product or service? Stage of development What is unique or distinct? Funding Request Dollar level of funding requested Use of proceeds
Management Team Management Team Key personnel (as a group) Highlight collective industry experience Past successes Summarize key equity ownership Capital contributed by management team
Customers & Needs Who Is Your Customer (User)? Market Research Demographics Motivations (why buy product?) What are their needs or unmet needs? How frequent? In what situations or context? Market Research Any market research or independent validation Describe
Market, Channels, Internet Market Definition & Size Describe market Current product/service choices Market size Market potential Revenue potential Growth rate Channels Where are products/services available? How are they distributed? Internet What is the role of the internet? What are influential web sites?
Value Proposition – Your Solution Your Solution (Product & Service) How does it solve the customer problem? What gives your company a competitive edge? Unique Reason Why What makes your business unique? How can this be sustained/insulated? What is the expected lifecycle of your product or service?
Competition / Barriers to Entry Major Competitor A: Market Share (%, $) Advantage: Vulnerabilities: Major Competitor B: Barriers to Entry How will you discourage new competition?
Risk Factors What are the primary risk factors? Changes or shifts in technology Government or regulatory policies Labor market conditions Business climate changes Product liability Computer crime Other
Brand & Go-to-Market Strategy Brand Name Go-to-Market Strategies – How will launch grow or expand your business? Strategy #1: Strategy #2: Strategy #3:
Product Pipeline & Infrastructure Product/Service Pipeline What other products/services are in development? Technology Time to market Cost to complete development Infrastructure Existing sales force Accounting & financial systems Office or production space How do you plan to expand your workforce?
Financial Overview Balance Sheet Projected Revenues and Expenses Table format – past 3 years, 3-5 years projected Gross margins, operating margins (% of revenues) When will company break even in terms of profitability and cash flow? Balance Sheet Cash on hand Debt Capital Requirements Equipment (internal or outsourced) Intellectual property (patents or other)
Funding Sought - Use of Proceeds Funding Request $ Level requested Use of proceeds Pre-money valuation Previous Funding $ Level received Types of equity/debt financing in place Shares Outstanding # Shares outstanding – fully diluted Describe any option plans
Intellectual Property Legal Counsel Name, key contact Trademarks or Copyrights Name, date issued Patents Brief description, status Patent counsel Know-how Briefly describe unique know-how
Alliances or Partnerships What alliances or partnerships have you entered? Joint ventures Marketing alliances Licensing arrangements Selling/distribution agreements Channel partnerships Software agreements Other
Manufacturing, Quality, Regulatory Where is product manufactured? Cost of goods analysis Quality Quality control requirements/status Quality assurance requirements/status Regulatory Any regulatory approvals required? Permits/licenses required? Only complete this page if your business idea is a product, not a service.
Exit Strategy What are your probable exit scenarios? IPO M&A possibilities Potential targets Timing Price
Final thoughts What have we forgotten? Add anything else you believe would be helpful.
Thank You! Upload your completed document at the How To Apply page of Open Court Contact Information: Beth Downing T: 610-336-0514