Common Assessment Framework and related issues


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Presentation transcript:

Common Assessment Framework and related issues Kathy Dunnett School Adviser for Integrated Children’s Services 01582 830233

Aims of Workshop Understanding what the Common Assessment Framework is and the related issues Understanding the background to these developments Update on developments in Hertfordshire Understanding on how these issues relate to schools and the role of the Governing Body

Background Every Child Matters: Change for Children Five outcomes Extended Schools providing opportunities and services for all. DfES (2002) Core Offer – Common Assessment Framework is Swift and Easy Access – early identification and support

Victoria Climbe Victoria Climbie, an eight-year-old from the Ivory Coast, died in London in 2000 after months of torture and malnutrition. A post-mortem found 128 separate injuries on her body. After her carers were jailed for life, a public inquiry under Lord Laming identified at least 12 occasions when she might have been saved by services…………..His key themes were a lack of clarity and a lack of responsibility within agencies. Lord Laming 2003

Key aims of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) A standard national approach Assessment to support earlier intervention Improve joint working and communication Support the sharing of information Rationalise assessments Support better referrals, if appropriate To be implemented country-wide by March 2008

The CAF and the lead professional Lead Professional core functions: Act as a single point of contact for the child or family Coordinate the delivery of actions agreed by the practitioners involved Reduce overlap and inconsistency in service delivery

Information sharing for the CAF Information sharing is vital for the effective implementation of the CAF Consent is the key to information sharing for the CAF

Case Study A young man of 12 (Dave) came to the attention of school because of a gradual deterioration in behaviour. The Director of Learning carried out a Common Assessment with the mother and Dave and it transpired that there had also been a deterioration in behaviour at home. Father had depression, and had been made redundant from a senior managerial job about 18 months ago. As the job was residential, the family had also lost their home. The family had been moving around the country for over a year, putting up with temporary accommodation, hostels and living with relatives, until finally settling now in a council property in Stevenage. The children (Dave 12, Sharon 10 and Fred 4) had also had to move schools several times.

Outcomes Lead Professional: School Nurse Team Around the Child: Family, Director of Learning, CSF Pupil Support Worker, Community Police Officer Decisions Father be supported to look for alternative work Mum has offered to become involved in cookery classes in school (both she and Dave enjoy cooking) CSF Pupil Support Worker to undertake some work with Dave on friendships and self esteem Parents to be supported in parenting with Dave School can offer Dave guitar lessons from their hardship fund (Dave likes music) School will also identify which lessons Dave has a problem with to ascertain whether more support is needed Connexions are going to discuss with Dave what educational qualifications he needs to join the police. (Even though Dave does not fit with the age group that Connexions usually work with.)

Facilitating multi-agency working Multi-agency training and time to get to know partners Effective evaluation of working together Clear objectives and structures The use of common language Common goals, strategies and understanding Flexible responses

Supportive Infrastructure 10 District Children’s Trust Partnerships and 5 District CAF Managers 10 Multi Agency Support Teams (MASTs) 38 Extended Schools and the multi-agency teams (MATs) of children’s professionals that work around the consortia Individual Team Around the Child (TAC) (people who are working with the child e.g. school staff, health professional, connexions, education welfare, parents and the individual child concerned

My role with Integrated Services Post established to bring together the Standards Agenda and Integrated Processes; Common Assessment Framework, Extended Services in Schools Making this understandable and workable for schools, and linking to improved achievement and outcomes for all pupils Report based on local and national research Lessons from the Stevenage Pilot

Hertfordshire Progress Implementation model developed, working with Westfield Extended Services pilot Communications Officer in post – Clare Morgans Children’s Partnership News Leaflet – Integrated Practice is Everybody’s Business Further training and awareness raising events for professionals from October 2007 Developing interim county arrangements for CAF Database

Positives for Schools Other school plans e.g. Individual Education Plans, Individual Behaviour Plans, may be subsumed into the CAF Plan Less paperwork, less meetings Increased communication and engagement with other children’s services A way of challenging other services about their support levels

…. and Challenges Communicating and cascading of accurate information Consistent messages, management of information Agency resource/capacity barriers to respond to schools Staff capacity within schools to engage Line of accountability and decision making How to embed into core business of schools

Next Steps . . . Is there a named governor for Every Child Matters in your school? Can you identify what consortia your school is in? Is there a named governor for Extended Services in your school? Is your school engaged? Does your school have a named person who could link with the District CAF Manager?

Next Steps . . . How is the Governing Body in your school responding the ‘Guidance on the duty to promote Community Cohesiveness’ and its links to Extended Services? How are Extended Services described in your school Self Evaluation Form? Is your governing body aware that future Ofsted inspections will be requiring information on Extended Services and how this relates to achievement – particularly of vulnerable groups?

Key Contacts Alan Dinning – Deputy Director, Integrated Children’s Services Gill Gibson – Head of District Partnership Services Errol Albert – Integrated Processes Manager Helen Ashdown – Head of Integrated Children’s Services 0-13 Diane Wagstaff – Integrated Children’s Services Strategy Manager (Extended Schools) Margaret Marshall – Contact Point Information Sharing Manager

Further Information – for information on the common assessment framework, lead professional, information sharing etc. – for information on Guidance on the duty to promote Community Cohesion