Dave De Roure On Provenance, Pervasiveness, and Privacy Parted
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who's the fairest of them all?” “Snow White” “I'm sorry, you are not authorized to view the provenance log” “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Where did you get that from?”
“She's denied me access to the provenance?! I'm going to kill her!”
Provenance log entry : No matches found Provenance log entry : User made utterance of class "rude" Provenance log entry : User "Prince Charming" logged out “Next customer please. This is the glass slipper provenance service. Please swipe your slipper."
“Open the provenance log please, HAL” “I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that”
A Tale of Two Coffees ? eScience ID Card Tesco Loyalty Card
If pervasive provenance was a solved problem...
SELECT culprit FROM prov_log WHERE victim = #RogerRabbit AND victim :framedBy culprit;
If pervasive provenance was a solved problem... Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, And doesn't know where to find them. Leave them alone and they'll come home, Provenance trails behind them.
If pervasive provenance was a solved problem...