2015 AWSA TECH CONTROLLER MAINTENANCE CLINIC. The purpose is to provide a few reminders of the TC requirements and to provide an electronic clinic for.


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Presentation transcript:


The purpose is to provide a few reminders of the TC requirements and to provide an electronic clinic for TC Maintenance Only (which is required every 4 yrs). This Electronic Clinic is broken down into 5 modules. General (for all events) Responsibility, Tournament Class, TC Report, Nat’l Record, Survey, TC Maint, Equip Slalom Jump Tricks Survey 2015 Rule Changes Because we can not cover all the requirements in this clinic/presentation, please review the AWSA, & IWWF Rule book and the Technical Controller Handbook (2007). GENERAL SECTION

Technical Controller (TC) responsibility: Ensure that the site (course/setup) is in accordance with the IWWF/AWSA Rules. If there’s a question/clarification of the tolerance or setup, contact the AWSA TC Chairman(s). Ensure that everyone has a fair opportunity to compete, and particularly to ensure that all standards at the event are equal to any other tournament. Remember to ask: “Is this fair for the skier?” And “Is this fair for ALL skiers world wide? Tolerance are for human and mechanical error only. They are NOT to be used in helping skiers performance. It is your responsibility to attempt to be as close as possible to the actual specification. The official measurements are in Metric. Ref: IWWF 1.11

TC is the independent verifier/ inspector for the site; verifying that it meets all IWWF/AWSA specifications. It is his/her credibility that is on the line, verifying that everything is correct/functional and that the tour is being held to the HIGHEST STANDARD. We can not afford to allow our RECORD tournaments to be degraded. In additional, in case of a law suit, it may be you (who certified the setup) that will be questioned. A lot of site owners/partners have become TC over the years. It would be good practice to use an outside TC periodically to provide additional verification. There’re too many record tournaments and not enough TCs for it to be a requirement. The site owner/TC should use good practices to prevent any issues/questions or an implied conflict of interest.

Tournament Class Class R – For setting World Record Only. Class L – World Ranking List Class E - For setting Nat’l Records. Class C - For AWSA Ranking and qualification only. Type of Competition: International Tourn- Example Pan-Am when we have competition between different countries. National Tourn- majority of US tournament. (Lot of TC reports have had the incorrect type)

TC Report A TC Report must be completed and certification posted prior to tournament. This report is a checklist to ensure that all requirements have been checked prior to tournament. That means that all requirements/checks have been performed prior to the tournament (download latest from AWSA TC Resource Files (link to TC Report Issues: Incorrect version/yr used. If using the Emmanuel Lion Waterski Homolgation Report, download latest yr. Type of Competition International vs National (majority of US tournament). Jump –Check buoys- Survey and Computer verification not correct. Record from Survey, then using the Jump Program, mark the check buoy and record the X/Y coordinates. Should be within tolerance (.10 class R /.15 class L /.20 class E)

TC Report Cont TC Report Issues Contd: Jump Surface Deviation not being checked and actual measurements being recorded- Use the Comment section to record additional information. Trick Course- a lot of sites do not meet the current rule (boat path on each side of course –skier choose), this needs to be documented in the comment section Submitting TC Report: All TC report are to be uploaded/imported in the Scoring Program, not to be submitted as a separate report. Save TC Report by sanction# with HD appended (ex 15S001HD) If using electronic TC report, open using Word/Windows Notepad and save as TXT file (ex 15S001HD.txt) Verify TXT file is complete Forward file to scorer prior to the tournament being submitted. Next few slides is an example (older)

Nat’l RECORDS There shall be no distinction between amateurs and professionals. Example if a record is set in MM/Open should it count for the skiers age division provided the requirements are the same? Yes, Example OM Jump should not because the ramp height difference? All Natl Records shall be submitted electronically. Upload files to Adrive.com Make a folder by name and performance (example – Name 5 NEW Starting NO VCR tapes/DVD/CDs are to be submitted unless there’s a special case were quality is questionable. Notify TC Chairmen within 7 days Upload files within 21 days. Record Application identifies the data that must be submitted. Note- when extra data is submitted it takes more space and longer to sort. Only submit the required passes for record.

Nat’l Records Cont: Record Application- Latest rev on AWSA Web Site. NEW Scoring Program-Dave Allen has incorporated the Record Application in the scoring program. It can now be exported (excel format) from the scoring program which will provide most of the data (skier information/judges/timing/etc). The TC will have to complete (example- rope measurement, skier meets rule for Nat’l record, survey data, trick ski width, checklist, etc).

SURVEY A survey must be completed either by a TC prior to tournament (no more than 90 days) OR By a licensed surveyor and submitted to TC Chairman no later than 30 days prior to tournament. A 3 point survey for slalom is recommended, but a single point with EDM is acceptable. It is the TC responsibility to ensure that nothing has moved from the last survey (when tournament is held later within the 90days). This can be done by visually inspecting and comparing the survey data to the buoy location/position. Survey Spread sheets (by Dave Clark ) can be down loaded from AWSA Web Site (under 3 Event, TC Resources). Lion survey forms are with his TC Report.

SURVEY Cont: Ref TC manual for tips on Surveying. Following are some guidelines: Instrument accuracy can not exceed 20 arc seconds When adjusting Survey instrument over an existing pin, move the tripod over the pin. Adjust instrument 3 leveling screws to get CL, then adjust the tripod leg to get survey instrument level. (will keep the instrument over the C/L). Find 0 reference mark (Left side looking at the lake) and record on data sheet for future reference. Also record location of pin. If doing a single or 2 point survey, with one of the older survey instruments, recommend verifying/recording all the angles first, then distance. Total Stations/EDMs, ensure the TP and Prism offset is correct prior to measuring distance. If using a Prism in water, ensure the swimmer has a life jacket. If swimming or kicking, the buoy will move and the measured distance will be off. Halfway thru the survey, and after completing the survey, check your zero point to ensure nothing has moved. Input data in the speadsheet, calculate, and verify no errors. (O indicates no errors, # indicate out of tolerance. Dave Clark spread sheet; on the right side, identifies the amount out of tolerance. INPUT the opposite (-/+) and calculate and the spread sheet will identify the angle and distance to were the buoy should be. Various spreadsheets that have been approved by TC committee (Dave Clark, Ed Brazil, Emanuel Lion) Additional detail information is provided in each event section (slalom/jump)

TC Maintenance: 2 record tournaments (include the applicable events) per year are required. A clinic or 2 Class C tournament can be counted towards 1 record tournament if performing same role. TC Clinic every 4 years. Judge clinic should include a TC Clinic, get a TC Clinic Application along with the Judge Clinic Application when doing in your area. ANY TC can be the instructor. Scoring Program: Ensure your name gets added to the scoring program as the TC no matter if it is a Class C or E/L/R to ensure you get tournament credit.

EQUIPEMENT: Backup- 4 channel DVR Model ECOR960 or 970-4F/1T2 ($312 B&H Photo) Requirement 30fps per channel Hi Resolution 704x480. All recorded video should have a minimum resolution of (NTSC:704x480 - PAL:704x576) Caution: When purchasing a DVR ensure that the playback is acceptable, several DVRs do not have a quick way to “rewind”. Camera- Must be minimum 30fps

Equipment Cont: Jump and Trick Computer –Bob Corson- Programs are free and can be downloaded from AWSA Webpage, under TC Resources. Requires XP operating system/computer. Programs will not work on WIN 7/8/Vista operating system. (new version should be out this yr). SpashEye- Slalom/Jump and Trick –Donal system uses Win7/8 Operating System. The Slalom does have an option to track boat path. Felix Loreto – Jump/Trick program. Boetcher- Jump program. Grid and setup for Loreto and Boetcher are similar to meters setup. Corson and SplashEye are similar using pixels in a grid to measure distance.

Equipment Cont : EC Camera: Security camera (non fix lens) is most common. Security camera with fix variable lens (need to ensure lens will cover area (ex Samsung model SCZ-2370N) An adapter can be purchase to mount an older camera zoom lens to a C or CS mount on a security camera. Example B&H (NY) has an adapter part# VA301 for $35 that mounts an older Canon Lens FD to CS Mount. The lens needs to be “fixed aperture” and not auto or electronic. Lens: any where from 150 to 300mm will work for most sites. Dave Clark has some modified cameras that will fit in regular size security box. Pelco Model EH4718 is large enough security box for any lens/camera to fit. A plastic Bread box can also be used to protect camera/lens.

Equipment Cont: Gate Camera Security camera with mm lens (depending on site) CS mount lens up to100mm are standard Boat Camera (slalom/tricks) Some of the new hand held camera do not have RCA out, only HD out, therefore, need HD converter to RCA. If using a pylon setup, a security camera can be used if transmitting out. A 4mm lens is too small, 6 is almost too close (which is common being used). Need a 5 or 5.5mm. I-Phones have an APP that can be used to turn/off camera based on speed/gps coord. that have been used for specific application (slalom). Hand Held: JVC Everio MS120 /Kodak PlaySport Zx3 Records ELITE- Always have a hand held camera in boat!

Equipment Cont : Gate/EC Transmit signal: Several methods of transmitting signal back to judges. Hardwire is the best method. 1)CAT 5 cable with Balun on each end; this provides power and transmits signal over one cable (small/compact) (Recommend baluns: Muxlab # ). 2)Siamese Coax (coax w 2 16g wire) also provides power & transmit signal over one cable (Recommend for permanent installation). 3)Standard Coax and run 2 conductor #16 wire along beside for power 4)Standard Coax with battery at camera for power supply. 5)Wireless may work well at some sites and others will not work at all due to high power transmission line or other frequency interferences. One type is Omni Direction 2.4 GHz transmitters/receivers.

WIRELESS -TRANSMITTER/RECV Transmitting from Boat: Place the Receiver close to water (approx 2 feet off water) and in middle of course. For the best signal, use a Hi Gain antenna at the end of lake (EC). WiFi equip for HD camera transmitting from the boat to the end of the lake is available for about $

Equipment Cont : Converter/Splitters: Tricks converting VGA output to RCA/S-Video to go into trick timing computer capture card. LKV-2000 (from Monoprice) Tricks Splitter- Sending VGA out to several monitors VX-8204F (4 VGA out) or VX-8208F (8 VGA out) (from Monoprice)

GENERAL SECTION This completes General Section Complete each applicable section to get clinic credit Please Peter and I to provide feed back.