“Is your mama a llama?” I asked my friend Dave. “No, she is not,” is the answer Dave gave. “She hangs by her feet, and she lives in a cave. I do not believe that’s how llamas behave.” “Oh,” I said. “You are right about that. I think that your mama sounds more like a…”
Relates path integral of velocity to vorticity
Physics/Engineering Biology/Physiology
What features are being mimicked - or not?
BAT FLIGHT AND KINEMATICS Tian, Xiaodong, et al. "Direct measurements of the kinematics and dynamics of bat flight." Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 1.4 (2006): S10. Hubel, Tatjana Y., et al. "Wake structure and wing kinematics: the flight of the lesser dog-faced fruit bat, Cynopterus brachyotis." The Journal of experimental biology (2010): Hardi P, “Why can airplanes fly?” BIOMIMIC BAT WING Bahlman, Joseph W., Sharon M. Swartz, and Kenneth S. Breuer. "Design and characterization of a multi-articulated robotic bat wing." Bioinspiration & biomimetics 8.1 (2013):