Cambridge Elementary PTO Meeting November 13, 2012 Cambridge PTO Mission: “Enhance the educational experience at Cambridge, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement, to foster effective and open communication between the school and parents, and to improve the environment at Cambridge through volunteer and financial support.”
Meeting Agenda I.Call to Order – Dave Melfi II.Posting of Colors/Pledge of Allegiance III.Presidents Comments – Dave Melfi IV.Principle’s Update – Mrs. Babb V.Guest Speaker – Jennifer Martinez – Clinical Nurse Educator at Children’s Hospital of San Antonio VI.Girls On the Run Overview VII.Treasurer’s Report - Donnelle Holck VIII.Cambridge Cares – Misty Coleman/Anastasia McKenna IX.Holiday Luncheon – Leah Jacobson X.Health & Wellness Update - Yvette Bray XI.Fundraising Update - Elizabeth Cox XII.AH Foundation Overview XIII.GEM/door prize XIV.PTO Student Awards XV.Adjournment – Dave Melfi
Welcome & Opening Remarks! Dave Melfi, President Today’s lunch is provided by Coalition of revenue contributing schools - Blood drive December 13 at the Cambridge school
Principle’s Update Mrs. Babb
Guest Speaker Jennifer Martinez – Clinical Nurse Educator
Guest Speaker Girls On the Run
Treasurer’s Report Bank Balance: Checking: 50, Money Market: 104, Total: $155,382.78
Cambridge Cares 2012 Building a Giving Spirit Misty Coleman (Cambridge counselor grades 4th-5th grade), Lauren Boyher (Cambridge counselor 1st,2nd&3rd grades) & Anastasia McKenna (Chair Cambridge Cares) See Sign up sheet to adopt another Cambridge family. Shop or donate $25 gift cards (Target, Walmart, HEB, Old Navy) All gifts& gift cards due December 7 th * If you know of a Cambridge family in need call Misty Coleman Cell
Cambridge Elementary 10th annual Winter Wonderland Holiday Luncheon and Marketplace Friday December 7 th - 9am-4pm Cambridge Teacher’s and staff will be provided a catered lunch, sweet treats and a relaxing spa to show appreciation. ▫Please help out by sending your child with a donation of cash or check for $1.00 or $2.00 or more made payable to Cambridge PTO in an envelope marked Holiday Luncheon to the front office or their teacher. 100% class participation from all classes is desired. This is a school wide event and many volunteers will be needed as each classroom and specials classes will need coverage for 1 hour on that day. ▫A Google Doc from the PTO will be sent out. Please plan on shopping with us on that day as local San Antonio vendors will be on stage for teachers and parents to get a jump on holiday shopping. Open 9am-4pm. If you have any questions or would like to help please contact Denise Heath at or
Health and Wellness Report Yvette Bray, VP of Health and Wellness Nov 12 th – Family Fun Run – 6:00pm Turkey Tango No Walk & Roll in December/January – resume in February
Fundraising Report Elizabeth Cox, VP of Fundraising THANK YOU for all your support with Boosterthon!!! Cold-weather Spirit Wear is available! Cambridge Sweatshirt Pullovers Spirit Sleeves
Fundraising Meter Goal Net Funds raised to date –NOT including Boosterthon! $94,837 $100,000 $50,000 $150,00 $125, Fundraising Goal $17,868
Boosterthon THANK YOU for your support and pledges! 100% Collection = $35K for Cambridge Pledges due November 15 th Why Boosterthon?
AH Foundation Update
GEM Award & Door Prizes
PTO Student Awards
Mark Your Calendars December 6 th Art to Remember Products Distributed December 7 th Holiday Market Place & Faculty Luncheon December 19 th -20 th Holiday Music Programs
Meeting Notes I.Opening Remarks Meeting was called to order by Dave Melfi at 12:01p.m. October meeting notes approved II.Principles Update – Mrs. Babb Mrs. Babb gave recognition for those students/parents involved in the Veterans day event. Highlighted the involvement of Central District Directors in each AHISD school (weekly principle meetings at all locations) Reiterated how impressed she was with Alamo Heights commitment to learning. III.Guest Speaker - Jennifer Martinez – Clinical Nurse Educator Recommends 60 minutes of exercise for your children daily Reduce sugar intake – alternatives sweeteners are ok assuming they are all natural Kids don’t need an extra multivitamin unless indicated by their Dr. IV.GEM GEM went to Laura Moorman & Suzanne Simpson – Boosterthon V.Adjournment – Dave Melfi Meeting Adjourned by Dave Melfi at 12:54