Guest Presentation Template ONF NBI Leadership Roundtable November 19, 2013 Instructions: Thank you for your willingness, on admittedly short notice, to present for your particular organization. The following template is designed to guide and shape your presentation to the delegates at the ONF NBI Leadership Roundtable. You will be required to submit your presentation for posting on a globally-available, open repository, and for reasons of licensing and intellectual property, please do not reveal or otherwise portray any information that is regarded as confidential to yours or any other organization. Please respect the time limits and guidelines contained on the following pages. At your time limit, and after a visual cue, you will be forced to end your presentation, in the interests of the many other organizations that are presenting at the roundtable. Of course, you may modify the visual aspects, templates., etc., to reflect your organization formats, but please respect the content and slide number guidelines contained on the following slides. There will be opportunities to submit backup, reference, and other organizational slides in the immediate future. If you have further questions, please contact
OpenDaylight ONF NBI Leadership Roundtable, November 19, 2013 Jan Medved, Anees Shaikh, Reinaldo Penno
1. About OpenDaylight What we do: An OpenSource Project to build an ecosystem of OpenSource SDN software Multi-project ( ) Multi-vendor ( ) Our major standards/publications: Will NOT develop standards Major publications: Code and blueprints that comprise a community-led, open, industry-supported SDN framework Release: Our Intellectual Property Policy: Eclipse Public License – v1.0 (EPL)( ) Bylaws and IPR ( )
2. What We Are Doing with SDN/NBI Publications, Projects, Software (location): Wiki: Documentation; includes the project list Code: git clone IRC: #opendaylight on Freenode Open mailing lists:
2. What We Are Doing with SDN/NBI What we have done/planning in SDN OpenDaylight Projects: Controller Yang Tools GUI Integration Testing VTN OpenDove Affinity Management Service LISP Mapping Service Defense4All BGP-LS/PCEP Plugin OpenFlow SB Plugin OVSDB Plugin SNMP4SDN OpenStack OpenFlow Protocol
2. What We Are Doing with SDN/NBI What we have done/planning in NBI Module sal-flow { namespace "urn:opendaylight:flow:service"; prefix flow; import yang-ext {prefix ext;} importopendaylight-inventory {prefix inv;}... typedef flow-table-ref { type instance-identifier; } grouping node-flow { leaf node { ext:context-reference "inv:node-context"; type inv:node-ref; } leaf flow-table { type flow-table-ref; } uses types:flow; } rpc add-flow { input { uses node-flow; } rpc update-flow {... }... } Yang Tools API Plugin Model
Request Routing (App->NE) 7 Controller (Container Instance) Nodes Network Netconf NE 1 Models NE1 f1f2... fn... NE2 f1f2... fn... NEn f1f2... fn... NE 2 Models NE n Models Routing Table: NE1 NE2 NEn RESTCONF Application module node-feature-inventory { prefix nf; import opendaylight-inventory {prefix inv}; import yang-ext { prefix ext}; import mount { prefix mount}; augment "/inv:nodes/inv:node" { ext:context-instance “node"; ext:augment-identifier "netconf-node"; mount:mountpoint "mounted-data" { mount:subtree "/"; } Models Request Routing Path: “/restconf/operational/nodes/NE1/mounted-data/f1” Inventory
2. What We Are Doing with SDN/NBI What we have done/planning in NBI OpenDaylight exposes a single common OpenStack Service Northbound API exposed matches Neutron API precisely supports multiple implementations of Neutron networks in OpenDaylight OpenDaylight OpenStack Neutron Plugin largely passes through simplifies OpenStack plugin pushes complexity to OpenDaylight OpenDaylight DOVE Provider VTN Provider Neutron Service OpenStack Neutron OVS Provider Neutron plugin OpenDaylight APIs (REST)
2. What We Are Doing with SDN/NBI What we have done/planning in NBI Extend the current Neutron model to support application-oriented abstractions Groups of endpoints to promote automation and consistency Policies that define behaviors between groups Flexibility in implementation which policies are supported and how they are implemented, left to the implementation plugins may map groups and policies to existing Neutron primitives or, leverage ability to directly implement abstract policy without mapping to existing Neutron entities EntityDescription group collection of endpoints with common policy policy set of policy rule objects describing policy – variants on how policy can be express. Examples include security, QoS, service chaining, port mirroring policy rule specific pair, part of a policy
2. What We Are Doing with SDN/NBI What we have done/planning in NBI Abstract virtual networking API provided by Open DOVE DOVE virtual networks are modeled as domains, virtual networks, subnets, policies, and gateways Use Open DOVE APIs natively, or via Neutron service domain A domain B virtual network 1 subnet X subnet Y virtual network 3 subnet Z virtual network 5 subnet W subnet Y virtual network 4 policy gateway policy subnet Z
2. What We Are Doing with SDN/NBI What we have done/planning in NBI Available Models ( ): Yang Extensions for ODL Common Base Types: IETF (ietf-types, inet-types), Common base flow types, L2 types, IEEE754 floating point types Services: Topology, Inventory, Flow Programming Services, Tunnels Programming, Affinity Service Protocols: OpenFlow, BGP/BGP-LS, PCEP Available Controller REST APIs: cation cation
3. What We Need from this Roundtable Present engagement parameters: None Desired Future engagement parameters: Liaisons Joint development Information exchange Collaboration
4. Contact Information Liaison to ONF contact: In the responsibility of the ODL TSC (contact Dave Organizational contacts: Executive Director: Neela Jacques The Board: Members: Chair: Inder Gopal Technical Steering Committee: Members: Chair: Dave Meyer
Q&A 15 minutes, include 2 minutes for Q&A