1.Conditions for Conduct of Sport Parachuting 2.Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 3.Ground Control Organisation 4.Organisational Goals
Conditions for Conduct of Sport Parachuting
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone
1.Size and Type of Centre
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 1.Size and Type of Centre a)Full Time or Weekend Operation?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 1.Size and Type of Centre a)Full Time or Weekend Operation? b)Split Drop Zone?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 1.Size and Type of Centre a)Full Time or Weekend Operation? b)Split Drop Zone? c)Packing?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 1.Size and Type of Centre a)Full Time or Weekend Operation? b)Split Drop Zone? c)Packing? d)Experience Levels?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 2.Staff
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 2.Staff a)Enough Staff ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 2.Staff a)Enough Staff ? b)Sufficient Instructors ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 2.Staff a)Enough Staff ? b)Sufficient Instructors ? c)Club Jumpers ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 2.Staff a)Enough Staff ? b)Sufficient Instructors ? c)Club Jumpers ? d)Personal Animosities ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 3.Facilities
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 3.Facilities a)Classrooms ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 3.Facilities a)Classrooms ? b)Classroom Maintenance ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 3.Facilities a)Classrooms ? b)Classroom Maintenance ? c)Common Rooms and Canteen ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 4.Equipment
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 4.Equipment a)Sufficient S/L and Tandem Rigs ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 4.Equipment a)Sufficient S/L and Tandem Rigs ? b)Progression Rigs ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 4.Equipment a)Sufficient S/L and Tandem Rigs ? b)Progression Rigs ? c)Loan or Hire Rigs ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 4.Equipment a)Sufficient S/L and Tandem Rigs ? b)Progression Rigs ? c)Loan or Hire Rigs ? d)Helmets, Alti’s, etc ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 5.Aircraft
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 5.Aircraft a)Suitably Equipped ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 5.Aircraft a)Suitably Equipped ? b)Alternatives ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 5.Aircraft a)Suitably Equipped ? b)Alternatives ? c)Maintenance ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 5.Aircraft a)Suitably Equipped ? b)Alternatives ? c)Maintenance ? d)Pilots ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 6.Hazards
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 6.Hazards a)Roads, Water, Pylons, etc ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 6.Hazards a)Roads, Water, Pylons, etc ? b)No Fly Areas ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 6.Hazards a)Roads, Water, Pylons, etc ? b)No Fly Areas ? 10,000 ft MSL
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 7.Other Activities
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 7.Other Activities a)Flying Schools etc ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 7.Other Activities a)Flying Schools etc ? b)Car Boot sales etc ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 7.Other Activities a)Flying Schools etc ? b)Car Boot sales etc ? c)Local Restrictions ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 8.Health And Safety
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 8.Health And Safety a)Risk Assessments ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 8.Health And Safety a)Risk Assessments ? b)Employer Responsibility ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 8.Health And Safety a)Risk Assessments ? b)Employer Responsibility ? c)Signs and Barriers ?
Factors Affecting the Drop Zone 8.Health And Safety a)Risk Assessments ? b)Employer Responsibility ? c)Signs and Barriers ? d)Public Liability ?
Ground Control Organisation
1.DZ Control
Ground Control Organisation 1.DZ Control 2.Manifest
Ground Control Organisation 1.DZ Control 2.Manifest 3.Briefing And Debriefing
Ground Control Organisation 1.DZ Control 2.Manifest 3.Briefing And Debriefing 4.Flight Line Checking
Ground Control Organisation 1.DZ Control 2.Manifest 3.Briefing And Debriefing 4.Flight Line Checking 5.Packing
Ground Control Organisation 1.DZ Control 2.Manifest 3.Briefing And Debriefing 4.Flight Line Checking 5.Packing 6.Maintenance of Records
Organisational Goals
1.Experienced Jumpers
Organisational Goals 1.Experienced Jumpers 2.C.S.B.I.
Organisational Goals 1.Experienced Jumpers 2.C.S.B.I. 3.Tandem / AFF / C.S.I.
Organisational Goals 1.Experienced Jumpers 2.C.S.B.I. 3.Tandem / AFF / C.S.I. 4.Pilots
Organisational Goals 1.Experienced Jumpers 2.C.S.B.I. 3.Tandem / AFF / C.S.I. 4.Pilots 5.CCI
Organisational Goals 1.Experienced Jumpers 2.C.S.B.I. 3.Tandem / AFF / C.S.I. 4.Pilots 5.CCI 6.DZ Manager ?
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