Goat milk is: #1 Goat Milk is the most popular dairy beverage in the world 65% of world pop. drinks goat’s milk There are several reasons for this popularity
Goat Milk: One of Nature’s Greatest Foods! Easy to Digest Low Allergenicity Highly Alkaline Naturally Homogenized
Goat Milk and Digestion Several reasons for low stress digestion: Fat cells are on avg. 27% smaller than that of cow’s milk. Larger surface to volume ratio Creates quicker transit time Higher % of Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) and Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) SCFA and MCFA are the easiest to digest
Goat Milk and Digestion Protein structure closer to human milk Contains no agglutinin (more later) Produces a softer curd that is easily digested. Up to 6 times faster than cow’s milk. Postprandial digestion and GI transit time of protein is shorter and more complete.
Goat Milk and Allergies Goat’s milk is hypoallergenic Contains no Alpha S1 casein Allergen responsible for allergic reactions to cow’s milk. Contains less lactose Good alternative for those who are lactose intolerance.
Goat Milk is Alkaline Higher pH than cow milk. Higher protein and potassium levels. This causes goat milk to buffer better than cow milk. No acidic reaction to goat milk.
Goat milk is: Naturally Homogenized No Agglutinin protein found in cow milk that causes fat globules to cluster. Homogenization destroys fat cell wall releasing superoxide Xanthine Oxidase a superoxide
NO HORMONES! Cow dairies large and small have come to rely upon the use of rBST to boost milk production. recombinant bovine somatotropin Never used in goat milk production.
Goat Milk vs Cow Milk some comparisons
Overall Protein Content (per 100mL)
Overall Carbohydrate Content (per 100mL)
Overall Mineral Content (per 100mL)
Specific Mineral Content (per 100mL)
Mt. Capra is Vertically Integrated Our Farm Our Goats Our Facility Our Technology
Our organic farm is only 23 miles from where I stand Our organic farm is only 23 miles from where I stand. It is sustainably managed using no pesticides, herbicides, or harsh fertilizers. It is home to our several hundred goats. OUR FARM
Our grass-fed goats are free range Our grass-fed goats are free range. The goats have a happy life with access to fresh pasture 365 days a year. We use no antibiotics or growth hormones to increase production. OUR GOATS
The milk from our farm is then transported to our manufacturing facility. It is located just seven miles from the farm minimizing fuel costs and utilizes one of the most gentle drying methods in the industry. OUR FACILITY
Refractance Window Drying® technology is the gentlest method to dry fresh whole foods. It is a unique, self-limiting dehydration method that uses infra-red light, rather than direct extremes of temperature, to remove water from food. OUR TECHNOLOGY
Refractance Window Drying® Technology Low heat drying Utilizes gentle technique that preserves nutrient integrity. Product is preserved in natural state during drying
Goat Milk can be used in several novel forms. Rich source of digestible whey and casein protein. Whole Protein Prime, absorbable source of macro/micro (trace) minerals Mineral Whey contains over 20 minerals!
Successful applications: Caprotein™ Full Spectrum whole protein. Natural ratio of casein and whey protein Capra Mineral Whey™ Mineral/Electrolyte replacement Outstanding Potassium levels!
Caprotein™ Unique Whole Protein Supplement Natural ratio of casein and whey protein. Whey protein acts in protein synthesis Builds muscle Casein protein resists proteolysis Muscle breakdown
Caprotein™ Unique Whole Protein Supplement All Natural ingredients Clean label Only 3 ingredients Product soon to be certified organic GMO free!
Caprotein™ Unique Whole Protein Supplement Easy Digestibility No side effects: cramping, bloating, etc. Low carbohydrate levels Lactose free by definition Low glycemic supplement No blood glucose spikes!
Capra Mineral Whey™ Concentrated Electrolyte/Mineral Supplement Contains a broad array of over 20 bio-organic minerals Bio-organic sources are best for mineral supplementation CMW has incredible potassium levels Most Americans do not get enough potassium in their diet
Capra Mineral Whey™ Concentrated Electrolyte/Mineral Supplement Highly Alkaline supplement Multiple minerals work synergistically to confer exceptional results Absorbable and digestible
Capra Mineral Whey™ Concentrated Electrolyte/Mineral Supplement All Natural ingredients Clean label Only 2 ingredients Product soon to be certified organic GMO free!
Goat’s milk is better because: The most widely consumed milk in the world Easy to digest Low allergenicity Highly Alkaline Naturally Homogenized
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