RING STEWARD (One of the most important jobs) The Ring Steward is the person who is the “glue” at the show. This person is the “go between” for the Judge to the Exhibitors, Show Manager and Show Secretary. This person is also the Exhibitor’s best friend, the “warm-up” person for the crowd, the encouraging words for the nervous kids showing for the first time, the “knight in shining armor” for the person who is showing the buck and he just pulled away, the traffic cop for getting classes in the ring and out of the ring on time and safely, the pace setter for the shows speed and smoothness “on stage”, the cheering committee for the exhibitors and the peacemaker for the tough times.
RING STEWARD before the show… Before Showtime Show Day! In the Ring Forms Following the Show
BEFORE THE SHOW Get with the Show Manager and Show Secretary for plans, needs, instructions and budget. Plan to work together as a group several times to go over the days plans of execution and events. Review any problems that can be thought of and make a plan to solve them as a team. In the budget have an agreement for what you need covered (hotel room, gas, pay, food, etc). Keep the relationship as a team effort.
BEFORE THE SHOW If you can check out the show grounds with the Show Manager and Show Secretary together that is best. That way you all can walk the grounds for a real feeling of the layout. Check the footing before the show. Should be firm/shallow, level, secure fence for turning out a goat in. Holding pens (for 1 st & 2 nd place goats) nearby. Is there a PA system or not for ring and barn calls? If NO PA system know where your barn area is. The morning of the show walk through the barns to say “good-Morning” and let the exhibitors know there will not be a barn call PA. So check in often with Ring Steward. *Note barn calls are a convenience offered to the exhibitors, but it is the exhibitors responsibility to get to their classes on time.
BEFORE SHOW Know and review your show forms. Know USBGA show rules. Have comfortable shoes and Tylenol/Advil. Know the USBGA class schedule. Arrive the afternoon before (on 2 day show) or 2 hours ahead (on 1 day show) to dry run the grounds. Know the plan with the Show Manager for “in case of Emergency” plan (severe weather, 911 issue, Hospital location & number).
RING STEWARD show day… Before Showtime Show Day! In the Ring Forms Following the Show
SHOW DAY! Check in early with Show Manager and Show Secretary for last minute changes. Be at show grounds 2 hours before show time. Eat a good breakfast as lunch might be a long time away. *good idea to pack a few protein bars in pocket! Dress to USBGA exhibitor standards, comfortable shoes and hat if outside with SPF30. Remember you are the first person the Exhibitors see and the audience see’s all day long. So set the standard, be professional and classy! Review the ring for dust, footing, gates flow (in/out), holding pens, grooming table for Judge to review goats on if needed, PA system for sound check, cell phone numbers for Hospital, Show Manager and Show Secretary (put phone on vibrate once show begins), security of the ring and tables for the Show Secretary.
SHOW DAY! Visit with the Show Secretary for you clipboard, special notes, Ring Steward sheets and schedule. It will be the last minute you will pick up the clip board to review as Secretary will be updating it till the end. *good idea is on the back side of your clip board tape the show schedule. On it mark lunch break and number of entries in each class. This will be a great asset to you while show is going on! Review the schedule and events. Know the layout of the grounds to give directions when asked (bathrooms closest to ring, food, Show Office and Hospital). Barn Calls need to begin 1 hour before show starts. Let your Exhibitors know what class begins the show, at what time you’ll promptly start, and welcome them to the day! Barn call again at 30 minutes from starting time with same information and number of entries for the first 5 classes. At 15 minutes before you begin the show call goats to ringside and check in with you. *If the first section is going to go quick a good idea is to call for ALL the goats in that section ringside. Show Manager will have tie lines up for goats to be nearby.
SHOW DAY! After you have made the 30 minute barn call check in with your Judge to review the directions of that Judge. For example, some Judges like their goats lined up in a certain way, special directions for entering the ring or have special health needs (diabetic, recent surgery), have a program for running Grand and Reserve classes or Championship Challenges. Especially get with them over the Showmanship classes so that they run smoothly with clear instructions given to exhibitors. Ask the Judge what their favorite drink is and make sure it is in the cooler. Be attentive to the Judges needs. Check with the Show Manager for final prep in ring. Awards table set up, ring fully decorated, Secretary table set up and cooler full of drinks for your Judge and you. *if you have a Judge from another climate than they are use to (ie: Judge from Ohio in Arizona) make sure they stay hydrated and have some Gatorade. Just a note of reminder. This is your last bathroom break before show starts! Snack time also…so fuel up!
SHOW DAY - COUNT DOWN TIME! 15 minutes before show time! Barn call to bring goats ringside Warm up the audience with some of the events going on for the day (silent auction, costume class, adult showmanship fun class, x number of goats showing today, announce Manager/Show Secretary for the show) Get the group pumped. This also helps the Exhibitors get “excited to show”. Make sure your first class is FULLY checked in and ready at the gate. Review with the exhibitors the way they will enter the ring, space out and show. Review that exhibitors are in correct USBGA attire before they enter and are Judged. Judge should be heading toward the ring and be ready. Show Secretary should be at her table ready. Show Manager should be at the microphone ready to make opening announcements and “welcome”! Remember to ‘SMILE” the whole day and keep hydrated!
RING STEWARD in the Ring… Before Showtime Show Day! In the Ring Forms Following the Show
SHOW TIME IN THE RING!! The show needs to start promptly when it is posted in the program to start. Just before the goats enter the ring the Show Manager will make introductions (Judge, Show Manager, Ring Steward) any announcements of events (raffle drawings, silent auctions, show office announcements), welcome the Exhibitors and the show begins! Once your 1 st class has entered the ring and is working. Do a barn call for your next class. Be sure to let the barn know if there is any zero entry classes or classes that are large/small for timing. *Make note of the start time and finish time per class. This will help you estimate the class timings throughout the day. Make sure the gate is closed and then mark your Ring Steward sheet and initial
SHOWING IN THE RING Suggestions for while you are working in the ring with the Judge: Keep an eye on the class as they are exhibiting. Look for a pile up and spread out. Look for someone that is having some problems leading a goat (getting dragged, won’t lead, being rude to another goat). You can gently slip in and help. Like a kid leading a powerful goat and is making laps of the ring. Maybe offer to walk beside that person. If the group is bunched try to space them out so the Judge has the best view of the goats. At all times stay out of the way of the Judge’s view of the goats. Keep the talk inside the ring to a minimal. Do not get distracted by talking with folks that are outside the ring. The first class is always a little more nervous as everyone is trying to figure out the procedures, dealing with unwilling goats, stage fright and a new face Judging. So keep a positive attitude and smile. Keep an eye and ear toward your Judge to follow their instructions.
IN THE RING… While the Judge is marking the card, quickly make a final call for the next class to the gate and checked in. If you have gate help who can check the list off as they come up to the ring this will help GREATLY! Cue the ribbon/award person to have their awards ready. The Judge has handed you their card or is ready to place the class. If using the card, double check that the numbers match what is in the ring. Mark your Ring Steward sheet. Judge will make placing comments when completed. Hand the card to the Show Secretary. In Grand/Reserve/Champion Challenge classes keep goats in the ring until the tattoos have been read and accepted by the Judge. Check your watch for completion time!
DOUBLE JUDGE SHOW When dealing with 2 Judges in the ring at the same time. They can not discuss placings with each other until the cards have been signed and turned in The only time the 2 Judges can talk with each other during a class is for clarification on a rule and directions. The Ring Steward must be present for this communication. Part of the Ring Steward job is to be present for all communications with a/o between the Judges to act as a 3 rd party witness so there will not be any accusations of improprieties. One Judge will be the “call Judge” this is the one who the exhibitors will line up to or walk to. Once the card has been turned in for one Judge then that Judge will go to sideline. The other Judge will finish and turn their card in to the Ring Steward. Both Judges will be on the sideline.
DOUBLE JUDGE SHOW One Judge will be Judge “A” and the other Judge “B”. You will line up Judge “A” first according to their card for comments. Followed by Judge “B” placings for comments. IMPORTANT NOTE -*Keep track of your “special notes”! Example: If a goat places Grand under Judge A and you see on Judge B card it is also Grand. But your “special note” is that if goat “x” places Grand under 1 Judge, then it moves to the Champion Challenge Division. So you will have to have Judge B change the placing to reflect that goat “x” is now in Challenge only. This must be done before you line up the class for placings. It is so important that you have good communication with the Secretary and stay on top of this “note” smoothly and with accuracy.
IN THE RING… The Show Manager has set up a grooming table nearby to the ring for use if needed. This is there for a rather tough/shy goat for inspection before it enters the ring. But especially for when you get to the big bucks. You can load the bucks on the table and safely have the Judge inspect the goat. You will find this is far easier on everyone. The goat does not get on the fight and nobody is wrestling with that goat so it does not get hurt. We have used this idea a number of times with great results. Check with Judge before sending in the next class to be sure the Judge is ready for the goats. *it is a good idea to take a quick break between divisions. This will give a moment for the Secretary to get signatures for the division just completed and for a “commercial break” to you and the Judge. But keep the exhibitors abreast of the time and next class so not to “loose” the momentum.
IN THE RING… When the show is taking a “lunch break” the Ring Steward will need to make a barn announcement for 1. What time (give actual clock time) the show will resume (be timely). 2. What class it will resume with. When it is time for lunch break take it with the Judge(s) as the Judges are technically still working. Judges should not discuss the show with the exhibitors without the Ring Steward present. You lunch time is shorter as the Ring Steward needs to collect the balance of the updated Ring Steward sheets and begin barn calls 15 minutes before start back time. Quick check in with Show Manager and Secretary for changes and start time. Start back on time!
RING STEWARD CLASS SHEETS… Before Showtime Show Day! In the Ring Forms Following the Show
RING STEWARD SHEETS This is the sheets that you will get from the Show Secretary. It will list the exhibitors for each class. Double check them off as they enter the ring with a “check” mark. Mark a “n/s” for (no show). Be sure to check the goat number they are wearing against the name of the goat. Especially important if someone is filling in by leading that goat. It will help make sure that the wrong goat is not in the ring. Give the total number of goats in that class followed by your initials once that class has entered. Don’t loose your sheets and make any special notes you need to on them. Please make notes on any unusual happenings.
RING STEWARD SHEET class # Name of Goat ExhibitorBack # DOBRing #1 PLACEPLACE Ring #2 PLACEPLACE
JUDGES CARD Make sure that the Judge has signed the class card before you turn it into the Secretary. Double check that the number of entries in the class is filled out, the class number is correct, then mark your sheet with the placings Make sure the card is placed face down on the Secretary’s table.
JUDGES CARD CLASS # # of entries: ___________ JUDGE: PLACE: BACK # 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ Signature:_______________
RING STEWARD following the show… Before Showtime Show Day! In the Ring Forms Following the Show
RING STEWARD FOLLOWING THE SHOW Upon completion of the show make sure you immediately thank your Judge(s). Make notes of any comments they have for you or the show. Hand in your Ring Steward sheets to the Show Secretary for filing. Thank your Exhibitors for making the day special! Discuss the comments and notes you have gathered with the Show Manager and Show Secretary after the show.
QUESTIONS???? Ring Steward work is sometimes a thankless job, but well worth it at the end of the day. They really set the mood for the show and essential for a successful show. Questions or Comments? Thanks for supporting USBGA