In The Name OF God Statistical Center of Iran. BackNext END SHOW About SCI Statistical Center of Iran (SCI) is responsible for providing official statistics.


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Presentation transcript:

In The Name OF God Statistical Center of Iran

BackNext END SHOW About SCI Statistical Center of Iran (SCI) is responsible for providing official statistics in Iran. The main objectives of it, is to provide the necessary information for calculation of the value added in the different economic sectors, price indices and characteristics of economic, social, health sectors and etc

BackNext END SHOW Functions of Statistical Centre of Iran  Implementing national censuses and sample surveys in economic and social fields.  Preparing the statistics required for the planning and objectives of the country's development plans.  Compiling national accounts and price indices  Processing, analyzing, and publishing statistical data obtained from censuses and surveys.

BackNext END SHOW Functions of Statistical Centre of Iran  Preparing and updating statistical frames.  Establishing statistical definitions, concepts, criteria and classifications.  Organizing a statistical documentation centre.  Publishing the statistical yearbook of Iran.  Collecting the required statistics from the public and private sectors

BackNext END SHOW Chart of Statistical Centre of Iran Deputy Head for Statistical Surveys and Administrative Registers Deputy Head for Economy and National Accounts High Council of Statistics Head of SCI Statistical Research and Training Centre Office of the Head, Public Relations and International Cooperation Information and Communication Technology Centre Security Unit Office of Planning, Performance Monitoring and Secretariat of High Council of Statistics Office of Agricultural Office of Manufacturing, Mining and Infrastructural Office of Population and Labour Force Statistics & Census Deputy Head for Development of Resources, Logistics and Provinces Affairs Office of Cultural, Trade and Service Office of Statistical Methodology and Sampling Surveys Office of Maps and Spatial Information Office of Standards and Statistical Surveys Supervision Office of Calculation of Macro Plan and Policies Indicators Office of Price Indices Office of Economic Accounts General Department for Development of Human Resources and Logistics General Department of Financial Affairs and Auditing

BackNext END SHOW  Total area of Iran(Land Area): million ha  Population: million  Agriculture area: 17.6 million ha  Total national pastures &range land: 86 million ha  Forestry area: 14.6 million ha  Temporary crops area(include fallow land): 16.2 million ha  Permanent crops area: 14.3 million ha  No. of Holdings : 4.3 million  No. of live stock (million heads): sheep : 50.2, Goat : 22.1, Cow : 6.1  Percentage of employed population in agriculture sector: 19.5% Agriculture in Iran at a glance

BackNext END SHOW Historical Outline  Office of Agriculture is one of offices of affiliated to the Deputy Head for Statistical Surveys and Administrative Records  Office of Agriculture has carried out many statistical surveys (Large and small scale censuses and sample surveys) since 1960

BackNext END SHOW  Information of agricultural surveys is used for calculating national accounts, value added in the different economic sectors and determination of economic structure related to agricultural activities. In general, agricultural data collection by the SCI and Ministry Of Jihad- agriculture includes 3 different types:  Census  Sampling surveys  Register Based  Recent agricultural surveys conducted by the SCI:

BackNext END SHOW  Censuses: Censuses:(Geographical domain: Entire country) National Census of Agriculture (1973,1988,1993,2003,2014) Census of Socio–economic of Nomadic People(tribe/Clan) in Iran (1987,1998,2008).  Complete Enumeration Surveys: Modern Poultry Farms(broilers, layers, parent stocks& hatcheries), Modern Cow Farms, Mushroom Farms and Animals Slaughtered by Abattoirs Main Agricultural Surveys

BackNext END SHOW ‍‍ Main agricultural surveys (continued)  Sample surveys: Agricultural Sample Surveys: Temporary crops (annual) Permanent crops (biennial) Livestock (annual) Modern Cow Farms (biennial) Modern Poultry Farms (biennial) Mushroom Farms (biennial) Detailed Surveys for Economic Accounts: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Modern Cow Farms, Modern Poultry Farms, Apiculture, Sericulture, Hunting and Agricultural Services

BackNext END SHOW Office Census 1 Complete enumeration 2 Sample Survey3 Register survey 4 year Name of SurveyNo. SCI11973,1988,1993,2003,2014General Census of Agriculture1 SCI11987,1998,2008 Census of Socio-Economic of Nomadic People (tribe/ clan) 2 SCI32005,2008,2011Livestock3 SCI31993,2007,2010Permanent Crops4 SCI Rural Agriculture5 SCI31960,1977,1982,1987Agricultural Activities In Rural Areas6 SCI1,3 1985,1986,1991,1992,1994,1996,1999,2001,2003, 2006,2009,2011,2012 Modern Poultry farms (broilers, layers, parent stock & hatcheries) 7 SCI1,3 1990,1994,1996,2000,2007,2010,2013 Modern Cow Farms8 SCI12001,2006Units for Rearing Mushroom9 SCI (annually)Animal Slaughtered by Abattoirs10 SCI31997,2001Ornamental Plants and Flowers11

BackNext END SHOW Process of Census of Agriculture 2014  Preparation list of agriculture holders in 260 cities and 200 villages and using registration resources and local knower (savings from more than 1000 Enumerators)  experimental study on implementing the census in the towns and villages with nonagricultural texture  For this purpose, initial planning of the Census has begun in 2011

BackNext END SHOW General Census of Agriculture 2014  At this time,The new agriculture census is being implemented.  This survey is the first census in history of SCI which is being conducted by means of Tablet device  In order to test the software and performance of tablets, two test stages (pilot census) were conducted in 2012 and 2013  The 2012 Pilot Census was carried out in 3 provinces and the of 2013 Pilot Census was conducted in all provinces ( in each province, one Rural Accumulation called Skirt was surveyed)

BackNext END SHOW Census of Agriculture 2014 (continued) No of Tablets No of Staff No of Selected Rural Accumulations & Cities Description ExpertsEnumerators Pilot Pilot 2013 No of villages & CitiesNo of Staff No of Tablet VillagesCities Holdings (million) ExpertsEnumerators Workload and staff requirements in Tests of Agriculture Census 2012,2013 workload and staff for Census of Agriculture 2014

BackNext END SHOW Tablet Issues Strengths:  Transferring data via web in the shortest duration and returning online reports of the job progress.  Eliminating of all paper documents as questionnaires and forms, etc  Removing the category of Reviewer from administrative chart of census  Removing the category of puncher, verifier, and editor from administrative chart of census

BackNext END SHOW Tablet Issues(cont) Strengths:  Ability of online edit of all data collected at the time of enumeration  Revise and updates of all maps data on tablet  Reduction time of dissemination  This method can be applied to other surveys  Saving costs (one-third of total cos t)

BackNext END SHOW Tablet Issues (cont) Weaknesses  Poor visibility of LCD due to reflection of light  Initial deficiency of basic knowledge and experience in preparation software programs  Reduction of device speed processing when the volume of data increases during the enumeration

BackNext END SHOW Agriculture Census History : 1973, 1988, 1993, 2003,2014 Main objectives:  To provide statistical frames for implementing sample surveys during the years between censuses.  To collect structural data on agriculture statistics. General Census of Agriculture

BackNext END SHOW  Number of agricultural holdings  Characteristics of agricultural holders  Land use  Agricultural land area (land area under temporary crops, fallows, and permanent crops)  Production of temporary crops  Production of permanent crops  Number of small livestock (sheep and goat)  Number of large livestock (cattle, buffalos and camels) Detailed objectives: General Census of Agriculture

BackNext END SHOW  Milk production by type of livestock  Green house agricultural production  Using agriculture machineries and equipments in holdings  Area under modern irrigation system (sprinkle and drip systems)  Raising poultry via traditional methods  Apiculture (number of hives with colonies and honey production)  Sericulture (number of egg box and production of cocoon) Detailed objectives(contd.): General Census of Agriculture

BackNext END SHOW Statistical Unit: Statistical unit of this census is an agricultural holding. According to its definition, agricultural holding is an agriculture activity unit run by a single management. This agricultural production unit is considered as the statistical unit. Reference period: Reference period is the enumeration day for some questions in electronic questionnaire and it is the last 365 days for others. General Census of Agriculture

BackNext END SHOW Enumeration Period: 27 th September to 9 th November 2014 Data Collection Method: Filling questionnaire by direct interview Level of Dissemination of Results: The results of this census will be published at the following levels:  Total country  Province  City  Rural agglomeration  Village General Census of Agriculture

BackNext END SHOW Listing Forms (Electronic)

BackNext END SHOW Listing Forms (Electronic)



BackNext END SHOW Listing Forms (Electronic)





BackNext END SHOW Sampling surveys In this section we introduce Livestock sampling survey conducted by SCI. generally, the sampling methods for agricultural surveys are in three types:  one-stage stratified sampling (such as Survey of Modern Poultry Farms)  multi-stage stratified cluster sampling (such as livestock survey)  non-probability sampling (such as price index surveys in agricultural sector)

BackNext END SHOW Livestock survey Survey History: Main objective: 2005, 2008, 2011 Estimate the statistical information on livestock activity.

BackNext END SHOW Detailed Aims: To get a clear picture on:  Number of Holdings with sheep, goat, cattle and buffalos  Characteristics of Holders with livestock  Livestock holdings owned by natural persons and literacy status  Number of small livestock (sheep and goat)  Number of large livestock (cattle, buffalos and camels)  Number of sheep, goat and cattle which are born and sold  Production of red meat and milk by sheep, goat and cattle  Volume of feeds consumption in holdings with sheep, goat and cattle  Average number of employees, days of work and payment to employees in the past 365 days  Value of different types of intakes in capital properties

BackNext END SHOW Livestock survey Target Population: In this survey, target population includes all holdings with livestock farm activities (sheep goat cattle buffalos and camel rising) in 2011 Survey Population: Survey population includes all holdings with livestock farm activities (sheep, goat, cattle, buffalos and camel rising) in enumeration day which at least has two small livestock : ( sheep and goat) or one large livestock (cattle, buffalos and camels). Statistical Unit: In this survey, statistical unit is an agricultural holding with livestock farm activity in 2011.

BackNext END SHOW Livestock survey Reference period : Reference period is the enumeration day for some questions in the end it is the last 365 for other questions. Enumeration period: February 12 to March 2, Methodology of Data Collection : Filling questionnaire by direct interview Level of Dissemination of Results: The results of this survey were published at the level of country and provinces.


BackNext END SHOW Thanks THANK YOU for your attention