+ “Todo lo mío” (All About Me) Inventario estudiantil para las clases de la Sra. Matić en la Academia de Oxford, traducido al inglés para mayor comprensión de los novatos al idioma Student inventory for Sra. Matić’s OA, translated to English to increase comprehension for those new to the language
+ Lo básico y esencial 1) Legal name (1 st & last) 2) Tu nombre hispano used in class 3) What your friends (or family) call(s) you 4) Grade [7 th ? 8 th ? ¿“fresquito(a)” o “blandito(a)”?] 5) Current age 6) Birthday (date/month/year) 7) Home school (based on home address) elementary school 8) Home address (& elementary school) 9) address 10) How often you check (constantly/ sometimes/ never) 11) Your 1 st language (that you spoke, ever) “My parents speak ___ to me” 12) Language used at home “…and I speak ___ to them” …please ask for any other items you need help translating!
+ Historia del estudio del español 13) Other places where you’ve studied Spanish (name of the place/institution, city, & dates) [TABLE: related to OA experience] 14) How do you think you’ll use Spanish now & in the future? (to speak to friends/relatives/neighbors/strangers, for a global experience – tourist trips or for work, university credit, a weighted grade to help out your GPA, to enrich yourself, because you like it, etc.) 15) Grade yourself! What grade do you deserve in Speaking? Writing? Listening with comprehension? Reading with comprehension? Explain. …please ask for any other items you need help translating!
+ Historia del estudio del español 16) OA a) Are you in a club or sport at OA? b) Do you hold a position as a leader? 17) Favorites… (non-cognates only below) película = movieprograma de televisión = tv show emisora de radio = radio station ¿? - your musical or artistic talents (ex. Dancing, singing, playing an instrument, composing songs, drawing, painting, cooking, making videos, taking pics, etc.) materia = subject área… = section of campus comida = food libro = bookrevista… = magazine/newspaper deporte = sportequipo = team tienda = store“CC” = mall …please ask for any other items you need help translating!
+ Vacaciones & Lo personal 18) Places to where you’ve traveled 19) Places to where you’d like to travel and why 20) Things you did this summer (21-26 are cognates… similar to English, same meaning) 27) Names & ages of your brothers & sisters (Have they studied Spanish before? With me or another teacher?) 28) What do you like most about yourself? family? friends? 29) What do you like most about this school? What don’t you like? …please ask for any other items you need help translating!