DIRECCIÓN: 159 PASEO JUAN XXIII MADRID, ESPAÑA You can use the following real estate agency to see what a house in Puerto Rico sells for:
DIRECIONES for your dream house TITLE SLIDE MUST INCLUDE La case de__________. With your full name, class period and date. Show and label each side. Slide 2 should be the outside of the house and the rest of the slides should be one side per room. Give a short sentence for each room – color o an adjective (grande o pequeño). Use a verb to make a complete sentence (ser). Ask the question HOW MUCH? And on the last slide provide a price. All pictures must be complete. You may use a real estate web site from Puerto Rico to see how a house from another country look and how much it costs.
Each house must have: 1. una sala 2. un comedor 3. un baño 4. una cocina 5. dormitories (give number) one slide is sufficient. 6. un jardín (un patio) 7. un garaje O Un apartamento con número de piso y una terraza
La cocina es grande. Yo cocino en la cocina.
¿Cuánto cuesta?
EL PRECIO: € $275,000.00
Recuerden Uds. Check for correct spelling. Each sentence should have proper punctuation. Capitalize only proper nouns. The last slide should have the price of the house in euros AND dollars. The second slide must have an address. Exchange rate: $1.10 = 1€
For drop box: casa.per8