Welcome Message Dr. Deo Avinash, IMGoats Learning & Reflection Workshop Udaipur, India, July 2, 2012
Project Area: Udaipur District of Rajasthan
Project Area: Dumka District of Jharkh and
Project Details Sr. No.. Project DetailsRajasthanJharkhandPuneTotal 1 Name of the district UdaipurDumka. BlocksJhadol & SaradaJama No. of Villages 45 villages are selected. 60 villages are selected. 2Project OfficerUdaipurDumka. 3 No. of Goat keeping families to be covered Goat population Breed for improvement of local goats SirohiBlack Bengal
Project Details (continued) Sr. No.Project DetailsRajasthanJharkhandPuneTotal 5 No. of goat keepers groups (12-15 families /group) No. of supervised -by each supervisor By each field guide Staffing Program Coordinator11 Project Manager11-2 Project Officer-Field operating11-2 Supervisors54-9 Field guides. ( to supervise 8 groups)
Project Activities Staff orientation Selection of Village Focus group meeting Entry point activity Selection of Participants Staff Recruitment At community level Group formation Selection of Field Guides Field Guide training Identification of buck keepers Training of Buck keepers Purchase and distribution of buck Innovation Platforms Linkages between value chain actors
Focus Group meeting on implementation of imgoat Project in Udaipur district: Interaction with goat keepers about their needs Up to June 2012, 45 meetings have been conducted. In Dumka, Jharkhand, 59 meetings have been held. Total: 104 meetings have been conducted
Innovation Platform Meeting, (Jhadol –Kantharia) - Overview of activities Up to June, 2012 Systematic approach to de- worming (Introduced feacal sample testing to identify specific worms) Village-wise health camps (Use of specific de-wormers, PPR and ET vaccinations) Training of goat keeper representatives and field guides (on improved management practices) – Trainings at Animal Husbandry Department, VeterinCollege,Vallabnagar and Krishi Vignan Kendra) Linkages with traders Precautionary measures to taken in Monsoon Season to avoid worm infestation, display of medicines by local pharmacist.
Innovation Platform Meetings
Discussions about good health and other partners involved in Innovation Platform meeting
Training of IP Members at Veterinary College, Vallabhnagar.
Learnings Rearing communities are financially weaker section of the Society who not aware of the potential of goat economy and lack of technical inputs for goat rearing. Needs to organize: By way of co-operative movements, privet entrepreneurship, and users groups at village level. Mind set for adopting organizational approach.
Challenges Motivation for innovations about management practices such as, fodder tree rearing in Kitchen Garden, housing, utilization of concentrate feed, non conventional feed, utilization of mineral mixtures, periodical de-worming and vaccinations, rearing of bucks, fattening of kids, trading on live weight basis, insurance coverage for risk and marketing. Non availability of quality bucks. Availability of improved Pastures and forestation. Co-ordination between service providers, such as Veterinary Doctors-- disease diagnosis-vaccination/ clinical treatment, insurance, availability of finance at time need.
Strategies for goat development Marketing Trading of goats on live weight basis may be motivated by extension method, if required legislate should be made to safeguard the interest of goat keepers. Need of marketing facilities such as proper shed, availability of ramp, watering facilities, availability of weighing balance for trading on live weight basis, bank and insurance facilities. To strengthen the relationship with trader with a view that goatkeepers should get reasonable price and consumers should get hygienic meat at reasonable price. Introduction of Village level-semi urban level slaughter houses and utilization of slaughter house by-products for pharmaceuticals’ use e.g. intestine for manufacturing of sutures, blood meal, and skin. Linkage with bulk supplier /processors e.g. Exporters and need base rearing and sale e.g. need of meat exporters. Micro-finance by financial institutions to minimize the distress sale
Thank You!