Worksheet 7 Complex Structures
The following sentences all contain conjoined categories. Draw a tree structure for each of the sentences. Crusoe landed on an island and ate a goat. The dog went down the stairs and out the door. Mary is keen on calculus but tired of chemistry.
a) VP PP VP NP NP P Det N Conj V Det V N Infl Pst Crusoe landed on an island and ate a goat
b) PP PP PP NP NP P Det N Conj P Det N Infl Pst The dog went down the VP Infl Pst PP PP PP NP NP P Det N Conj P Det N Det N V The dog went down the stairs and out the door
f) Infl Mary is keen on calculus but tired of chemistry S NP AP AP AP PP PP NP NP Infl N A P N Conj A P N Mary is keen on calculus but tired of chemistry
2. The following sentences all contain embedded clauses that function as complements of a verb, noun, adjective or a preposition. Draw a tree structure for each sentence.
The reporter said that an accident injured a boy. The police appeared happy that the criminal would surrender. Anna wondered about whether the exam would cover that section. The jury will never believe the claim that the driver wrecked the Porsche. Hilary knows that spring will come and that the snow will melt. Barbara reported that a student asked whether the eclipse would occur.
a) S NP VP Infl CP Pst S VP NP Infl Pst Det N Det N V V C NP Det N The reporter said that an accident injured a boy
b) S VP NP Infl AP CP Pst S VP NP Det N V A C Det N Infl V The police appeared happy that the criminal would surrender
c) S VP NP Infl PP CP Pst S VP NP NP Det N Infl N V P C V Det N Anna wondered about whether the exam would cover that section
d) S VP NP NP CP S VP NP Infl NP Pst Det N Infl Qual V Det N C Det N V The jury will never believe the claim that the driver wrecked the Porsche
e) S VP NP Infl CP non-Pst CP CP S S VP NP VP NP N V C N Infl V Conj C Det N Infl V Hilary knows that spring will come and that the snow will melt
f) VP S VP NP CP Infl S Pst NP CP Infl S Pst NP VP N C Det N V C Det N Barbara reported that a student asked whether the eclipse would occur
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