The KEY to having an educational farm is engaging your visitors and students in the care of the animals.
GOATSThe Critter Barn sells goats for breeding and meat production. Most importantly, we teach about the dairy industry through our dairy goats. Leading by a high lifted collar is fine after the goat makes progress. Hold a goat by the neck and rump when We are grateful to many starting excellent Michigan goat to train. breeders for their assistance with our goat husbandry.
more GOATS Frequent holding, walking, entering the pen when it is feeding time, allowing for as much interaction as possible, teaches “kids” about animal behavior.
more GOATS We bottle feed goat kids just as calves are bottle fed. This activity is always a favorite, but also teaches how a dairy industry is possible.
more GOATS We model goat handling for our students. grooming bathing hoof trimming medical care Students learn about bacteria and the importance of hand washing..
more GOATS Goats are curious and fun, they are “into people” and provide many positive memories.
more GOATS When feeding the large goat pen, staff enters first with a small amount of feed. The goats are busy eating while students enter the pen and deliver feed to the manger or bed the pen with straw.
BILLY GOATHolding the pail with a “hug” is important to protect hands. There is not enough space for the head of the buck. As he begins to eat grain, the person assisting sets out a feeding dish.
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