Laura Good
Which President Founded the University of Virginia? ofiles/J/Thomas-Jefferson jpg /Profiles/W/George-Washington jpg Thomas JeffersonGeorge Washington
Correct!! Thomas Jefferson founded the University of Virginia in 1819, and was the only President to found an institution of higher learning. ReturnReturn to Quiz omas-Jefferson jpg
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Which President had a pet goat with him at the White House? es/H/William-Henry-Harrison jpg William Henry Harrison files/J/Andrew-Jackson jpg Andrew Jackson
Correct!! President William Henry Harrison kept a Billy goat with him during his time at the White House. ofiles/H/William-Henry-Harrison jpg imal-wallpaper/Billy-goat.jpg ReturnReturn to QuizQuiz
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Which President was a Bachelor his whole life? James Buchanan Andrew Johnson es/J/Andrew-Johnson jpg
Correct! James Buchanan was the only President never to marry, and remained single throughout his entire life. Return To QuizQuiz
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Which President banned alcohol from the White House? Rutherford B. Hayes erfordbhayes.jpg James Garfield large.jpg
Correct!! Rutherford B. Hayes banned alcohol from the White House during his Presidency to gain favor with the prohibitionists at the time. Return
Sorry!! Incorrect
PresidentFact President JeffersonFounded University of Virginia President William Henry HarrisonKept a Billy Goat at the White House President BuchananNever Married President HayesBanned Alcohol from the White House During Prohibition In Review: Learn more about our Presidents at these Websites!