By: Jessica Chauvin
Inuit igloocaribou kamiks The Inuit live in the North Arctic. They hunt caribou. They where clothes called Kamiks. They live in igloos but they call it igluviaks. The Inuit live in one place they do not move from place to place so they are permanent. Do you think it would be cool to be in the family of the Inuit? Alaska
Nez Perce The Nez Perce live in the Plateau Region. They live in teeps in the warm climate. They eat deer, elk, goat, moose, bear, and sheep. They clothing is called Buckskin. They are nomads they do not stay in one place.
Kwakiutl The Kwakiutl live in the Pacific Northwest. They live in a warm climate. The Kwakiutl eat fish and they make there clothes out of bark. they live in longhouses so they are permanent.
Hopi The Hopi live in the South West. They live in a warm and hot climate. They eat corn. The Hopi make there clothes out of animal skins. They live in pueblos so they stay in one place so they are permanent.
Seminole The Seminole live in loges and they live in the southwest region. They eat corn, beans, and squash. They make clothes out of cotton. They live in a warm climate and they are permanent.
Pawnee The Pawnee live in loges in the eastern plains. They live in a warm and cold climate and they eat corn, beans, and squash. They make their clothes out of animal skins. They move to one place to another so they are nomads.