Spatial Analysis in the Atlin/Taku Land Use Planning Process Presentation to Stakeholder and Local Community Workshop #3 March 6, 2009
2 Overview Role of spatial analysis in the LUP process Approach to Spatial Analysis Introduction to Decision Support Tool Opportunities for stakeholder engagement Timelines Questions, discussion
3 Role of Spatial Analysis in LUP Process The Culturally and Ecologically Sustainable Management Framework (CESMF) lays out the anticipated components of the land use plan One of the main components will be land use zones Zoning distributes land uses across the plan area so as to achieve a balance and reconcile competing interests to the greatest extent possible
4 Role of Spatial Analysis in LUP Process Goals and objectives provide resource management direction across the entire plan area Additionally, more area-specific resource management direction may be developed for particular zones, such as: Acceptable activities, including management strategies Planning or process requirements Other kinds of spatial products may also be developed to guide particular kinds of activities that span multiple zones or apply only to part of a zone,for example: Exploration guidelines applicable to goat winter range
5 Approach to Spatial Analysis ‘Spatial analysis’ refers to anaylzing and interpreting spatially defined information and their interaction The TWG will be developing draft spatial outputs based on a detailed review and discussion of multiple mapped data sets and their interaction: Resource Atlas or other mapped information provided Community Values layer References to important areas from interest statements Input from stakeholder workshops Draft spatial outputs will provide a solid basis for further discussions aimed at achieving a balance and reconciling competing interests
6 Introduction to Decision Support Tool BC and the TRTFN will be using a GIS tool to assist in developing and evaluating draft spatial outputs The GIS platform we have developed is referred to as the Decision Support Tool (DST) Uses GIS to display and overlay maps of different values Uses the power of GIS to generate multiple land use zoning scenarios Allows analysis of each ‘scenario’ to check the extent to which values have been incorporated Use of the DST enables the TWG to generate multiple zoning scenarios to inform further discussion and report back on how some values might be addressed This approach reflects current best practices in land use planning
7 Opportunities for Stakeholder Engagement Over the first two workshops, stakeholders have had the opportunity to review and provide input into the Resource Atlas Stakeholders have been encouraged to provide information on the spatial extent of their interests in discussions over the last few weeks Workshop participants will also be invited to provide some initial input on the distribution of their interests across the plan area through a hands-on exercise tomorrow The TWG anticipates generating draft spatial information in the next several months, allowing the TWG to bring forward draft zoning products for detailed review by stakeholders at the June workshop The TWG is also willing to arrange meetings to discuss stakeholders’ spatial interests
8 Timelines Compilation of Resource AtlasNearing completion! Community Values MappingSpring 2008 Stakeholder & local community discussion on spatial interests March 6-7 Workshop Additional meetings to discuss stakeholders’ spatial interests As required TWG develops spatial outputs and draft zoning productsMarch - May 2009 Review of spatial outputs and draft zoning productsJune Workshop TWG develops revised spatial outputs and revised zoning products as necessary July - October 2009 Additional meetings for stakeholder review and discussion of proposed zoning As required Presentation and review of land use plan productsNov 2009 Workshop