EFFECTS OF HERBS ON DEWORMING LAMBS & KID GOATS 2007 Helen A. Swartz, Michael Martin & Arlene Stewart Helen A. Swartz, Michael Martin & Arlene Stewart Lincoln University-9-08
INTRODUCTION The number one problem in the sheep and goat industry in the hot summer months is stomach barberpole worms (Haemonchus contortus) Two breeds of sheep and one breed of goat (Boer cross) were used in this study
KATAHDIN, DORSET & BOER GOATS Katahdin hair sheep in Missouri are the largest number in the national registry Dorset sheep are popular with sheep producers as they breed out of season and will lamb in the fall & the spring Boer meat goats were introduced into the US in 1993 and little research has been reported to date
KATAHDIN LAMBS- Little data on hair sheep lambs on dewormers & herbs
DORSET LAMBS Data collected on lambs using herbs
BOER GOAT Kid goats fed herbs as dewormer
SHEEP & GOAT LOSSES 1) There are only three families of dewormers on the market even though they may have many different trade names 2) When the worms become resistant to a dewormer, it is no longer effective in killing the stomach worms
BACKGROUND Missouri is reported ranking 9 th place in the US in sheep production in the US in sheep production The number of meat goats is growing each year in Missouri The number of dairy goats is increasing as Amish & Mennonites are selling goat milk in Arkansas & Wisconsin
BACKGROUND Chemical dewormers are the conventional approach to deworming sheep & goats sheep & goats Reports in the literature have shown resistance of stomach worms for several years using the chemical dewormers in sheep & goats (Kohler & Herzberg, 2005)
STUDIES IN AFRICA 1) Wormwood (Artemesia sp.) is used by humans in Africa to control stomach worms (list research found) 2) A study was found in Africa deworming Nubian dairy goats with wormwood (Artemesia herba alba) where wormwood was found effective in killing the stomach worms in goat (Idris, et al. (1982) (Idris, et al. (1982)
METHODS & MATERIALS There were 16 Katahdin hair sheep lambs divided into three groups There were 16 Katahdin hair sheep lambs divided into three groups Group 1-Received Ivomec commercial dewormer (avermectin) dewormer (avermectin) Group 2-Received herbs (Wormwood, (Artemesia absinthium), 40.5%, fennel, gentian, psyllium and quassia (equally divided) Group 3—Control group received no treatment
METHODS & MATERIALS-cont. There were 9 Dorset lambs divided into three groups into three groups Group 1-Received Ivomec Group 2-Received herbs fed in the feed once a week feed once a week Group 3-Control group received no treatment treatment
METHODS & MATERIALS-cont. There were 16 Boer goat kids divided into three groups Group 1 -Received Ivomec-commercial dewormer dewormer Group 2 –Received herbal treatment Group 3-Control group received no treatment treatment
METHODS & MATERIALS-cont. All lambs & kids were fed the same ration of grain, soybean meal, vitamins & minerals to meet the NRC requirements During the day, the lambs and kids grazed the pastures of fescue cool season grass
METHODS & MATERIALS-cont. Blood was drawn for measuring packed cell volume (hematocrits) in all individuals with the three groups every 30 days in all individuals with the three groups every 30 days Fecal samples were collected at the same time and processed to determine the number of eggs produced by the barberpole worms
METHODS & MATERIALS-cont. Blood samples were spun down to determine the percentage of red blood cells in each animal-hematocrit Fecal eggs counts-Modified McMaster method 1) Collected feces with disposable gloves 2) Mixed 3 grams of feces in 15 ml of saturated salt water 3) Mixed with 10 ml. of flotation solution 4) Counted all eggs in two chambers
RESULTS & DISCUSSION-Ivomec The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Katahdin was in August The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Dorset was in September The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Boer goat was in August
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fecal Eggs Count Per Gram- Herbs
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- Herbs The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Katahdin was in August The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Dorset was in August The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Boer goat was in August The barberpole stomach worm is a hot weather worm that kills sheep and goats
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- Fecal Eggs Per Gram-Control Group
RESULTS AND DISCUSSON- Control Groups The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Katahdin was in August The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Dorset was in September The highest peak in the fecal egg count in the Boer goat was in July
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Katahdin-Ivomec animal # breedtreatment fec1 fec2 fec 3 fec4 fec
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Katahdin-Herb animal # breedtreatment June July August Sept Oct
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Katahdin-Control animal # breedtreatment fec1 fec2 fec 3 fec4 fec
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Dorset-Ivomec animal # breedtreatment fec1 fec2 fec 3 fec4 fec
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Dorset-Herb animal # breedtreatment fec1 fec2 fec 3 fec4 fec
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Dorset-Control animal # breedtreatment fec1 fec2 fec 3 fec4 fec
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Boer goat-Ivomec animal # breedtreatment fec1 fec2 fec 3 fec4 fec
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Boer goat-Herb animal # breedtreatment fec1 fec2 fec 3 fec4 fec
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- fecal egg count number Boer goat-Control animal # breedtreatment fec1 fec2 fec 3 fec4 fec
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Red blood cell count-Hematocrits Barberpole worms (Haemonchus contortus) in sheep and goats are blood sucking worms that cause severe anemia and death Hematocrits measure the percentage of red blood cells in sheep and goats as an indicator of the number of barberpole worms
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Red Blood Cell Count-hematocrits
HEMATOCRITS All three breed groups, Katahdin, Dorset and Boer goats had red blood cell counts above the threatening level of anemia regardless of count All breeds were above 25% RBCs throughout the experiment with the lower counts found in the hotter months
STATISTICAL DATA The data was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) for comparisons of ivomec, herbal, and control groups treatments between the three breeds in fecal egg count, 3 X 3 factorial Results of treatment differences in FEC statistically reported (P<.0001) The lowest counts in FEC was found in the Boer goats
STATISTICAL DATA-cont. Statistical differences were reported in breed x month (P<.0002) in the fecal egg counts comparing the three breeds Statistical differences were reported in fecal egg counts in months throughout the treatments (P<.0001) Statistical differences were reported in FEC in breed differences (P<.005)
STATISTICAL DATA Hematocrits-RBC The data was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) for comparisons of herbal, ivomec and control groups treatments between the three breeds in hematocrits-RBC Results of breed differences in RBC statistically reported (P<.0001) The lowest percentage in RBC was found in the Boer goats which may be a breed difference
STATISTICAL DATA-cont. Hematocrits-RBC Statistical differences were reported in breed x month (P<.001) in the RBC percentage comparing the three breeds Statistical differences were reported in RBC percentage in months throughout the treatments (P<.0003) Statistical differences were reported in RBC in breed differences (P<.0004)
SUMMARY Results were found in fecal egg counts in months with the highest in July and August (P<.0001), breed (P<.005), treatment (P<.004) and breed x month (P<.0002) Results in RBC’s were the lowest in August of breed (P<.0004), month (P<.0003) and breed x month of (P<.001)
SUMMARY This data is preliminary and shows that the barberpole worm is a hot weather worm capable of killing lambs and kids from sucking blood in the abomasum (true stomach) More research needs to be conducted with a larger sample size prior to publishing in a refereed journal, however the data follows adults in the three breeds
REFERENCES Artho, R., Schnyder, M., Kohler, P.R. and Hertzberg, H. (2006) Avermectin-resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of Boer goats and Dorper sheep in Switzerland. Veterinary Parasitology (In Press) Idris, U.M E1 A.A, Adam, S.E.I. and G. Tartour (1982) Anthelmintic efficacy of Artemisia herba-alba against Haemonchus contortus infection in goats. National Institute of Animal Health Quarterly, Japan, 22(3); Iqbal, Z., Lateef, M., Asraf, M. and A. Jabbar (2004) Anthelmintic activity of Artemisia brevifolia in sheep, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 93(2-3):