Breeds of Sheep Northeastern Agricultural Education Original Power Point Created by Joe Caffee Modified by Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office June 2002
Cheviot b Originated in Scotland b Resistant to cold, windy conditions b White, wool free faces b Long wool type b Wool has a helical crimp b Tend to be resistant to worms and footrot
Columbia b Developed by the US Department of Ag b Developed to thrive on Western ranges b Produce medium wool and large amounts of meat
Corriedale b Developed in New Zealand & Australia b Dual purpose breed b Produces bulky, high density wool b Most popular breed in South America
Dorset b Originated in Europe b Medium-sized breed with high quality, white wool b Most popular white- faced breed in the United States b Horned and polled varieties exist
Hampshire b Originated in Hampshire, England b Black face and legs b Mild demeanor b Unbroken wool cap should extend from the neck over the forehead
Jacob b Originated in England b Two, four, or six horns b Black and white fleece b Fleece is highly sought after b Unimproved breed
Lincoln b Originated in England b The largest breed of sheep b Long-wooled breed b White faces b Pronounced forelock between the ears
Merino b Originated in Australia b Primarily a wool breed b White-faced b Most popular breed in Australia b High quality wool used in the textile industry
Oxford b Originated in England b Second largest sheep breed b Meat-type breed b Tends to forage for its own food b White with black ears and bridge of nose
Rambouillet b Originated in Spain b Shipped to France in 1801 b White in color
Southdown b Developed in England b Well suited to farm flock production b Gray face with white body b Adapted to wet conditions
Suffolk b Originated in England b Most popular breed in the US today b Produce large amounts of meat b White with black faces and legs