Welcome to the Benefis Joint Replacement Program Don’t let joint pain slow you down, get back to doing the things you love!
Nurse Instructors Doris Hamm -- RN, ONC Lindy Eberl -- RN Angela McLain -- RN
Introducing Our Winning Team Physical Therapists Occupational Therapists Clinical Navigators Respiratory Therapists Orthopedic Nurses Pain Pharmacist Unit Case Manager Physicians
Total Joint Surgery Facts Over one million joint replacement surgeries are performed every year Joint replacement surgery involves replacing the diseased parts of the joint with new, artificial parts
Good Things Are Happening Here!
Total Joint Surgery at Benefis 2010: 355 joint replacement surgeries 2011: 343 joint replacement surgeries 2012: 392 joint replacement surgeries
Benefits and Goals of Joint Replacement Surgery Reduces or eliminates pain Improves strength Resume many of your normal activities Getting back to work and play Restores range of motion Improves appearance of deformed joints
Education Binder You have received your binder…it is packed with education and other information you will need throughout your stay, discharge, and home care Remember to bring your binder with you on your surgery day!
The Ortho/Neuro Unit 8th floor of North Tower 20 private rooms with a private bathroom Computer charting in all rooms Waiting room for visitors and family All staff wear name badges
Communication Bedside reporting Purposeful hourly rounding No pass zone Any staff members can assist with help Visiting hours -- 8am > 8pm After 9:30pm, access is through the South Tower or North Tower by ER
Communication Board Plan of care Goals Pain medication times Pain scale Diet/activity Healthcare team members
Before Surgery Surgical scrub, use as directed the night before surgery and the morning of surgery Instructions are in your binder
Night Before Surgery NPO= nothing to eat or drink by mouth this includes mints, candy, and gum No smoking or tobacco products Brush teeth, swish, spit Take medications with sips of water
Day of Surgery Arrive in AM admit/waiting area (2nd floor, North Tower) Talk to Anesthesiologist Family can remain with you until you go to Operating Room (OR) Once in OR, family can stay in waiting area, lobby or tour the Orthopedic unit on 8th floor Doctor will visit with family when patient is out of OR Information board in waiting area
More About Your Surgery Joint replacement animations…. www.benefis.org Click on: Our ServicesOrthopedicsJoints
After Surgery In recovery room for approximately one hour then transferred to room on 8th floor
Pain Management Pain Pharmacist: provides specialized focus on pain control and side effect management Rebecca (Becky) Allen -- Pharm D, RPH Communication on white board
Pain Medications PCA-patient controlled analgesia IV pain medication is discontinued next day Oral Femoral block
Antibiotics Given Before surgery Up to 24 hours after surgery
Your Hospital Stay Diet Room service (5523) Repositioning in bed Abductor pillow/hip precautions No pillow under knee Circulation checks
Your Hospital Stay Cont. Bladder-Foley catheter comes out next day Bowel-scheduled medications Lab work/IV Bathing & showering Blood reinfusion device/drains Incision care Keep incision dry/clean-change when there is drainage
Your Hospital Stay Cont. Incentive spirometer
Knee Cryocuff
Shoulder Cryocuff
TED Hose For your safety, make sure you have shoes or slippers on when walking
Sequential Compression Devices (SCD) For your safety, DO NOT walk with SCD’s on
A-V Impulse
Length of Stay Knee/Hip Replacement -- 3 days Shoulder Replacement -- 1 day Discharge to other facilities Extended care, rehab, home health Unit Case Manager Beth Goeltz -- MSW, CC
Discharge Instructions Printed instructions Home medications/new prescriptions are filled outside of Benefis Bathing Precautions Signs and symptoms of infection Dressing changes Return office appointment
Therapy Instructors Julie Garpestad -- OTR/L Tami Anderegg -- OTR/L
Physical Therapy Starts day of surgery Continues throughout your hospital stay, 2 times a day Receive exercise sheet Abductor pillow Hip precautions Stairs Nurses/CNA’s will continue care/activity
Occupational Therapy Shower or bathtub needs Secure bench Long handled sponge Shower hose for bathing Elevated toilet seat Dressing needs Sock aid Long-handled shoehorn Dressing stick Reacher/grabber
Questions Any last minute questions/comments/concerns?
Thank You for Coming!