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Presentation transcript:

Krasniqi Xhevdet, Ceroni Vangjel, Shabani Emilian MATERIALS AND METHODS A NEW METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF NECROBACILLOSIS ON THE HOOVES OF SHEEP 10th NATIONAL CONGRESS OF S.I.R.A. 1st Balkan Conference on the Biology of Reproduction in Farm Animals and in Aquaculture Tirana, Albania, May 23 – 25, 2012 For control of Necrobacillosis infection in sheep were experimented three treatment schemes, in animals with varying degrees of gravity for lameness clinic. For comparison with the preparation regimen Topoxy i/m, were used Lincospectin i/m and Lincospectin s/ cutaneous injection in the crown area of the damaged hooves. After 5 days of treatment with clinically are improved preparation Topoxy 54 leaders from 82 of the total treated or 65.8%. With using the i/m Lincospectin preparation were improved clinically 80 heads of 101 of total treated or 79.2% (regardless of the degree of severity of lameness). Final results in the treatment of sheeps with a Necrobacillosis Lincospectin preparation s/c injection in the crown area of the damaged hooves (regardless of forms of performance clinical lameness) showed clinical improvement in 99 of 73 rulers of total treated or 73.73%. In our conditions can still be used the Lincospectin preparation for with half dose of s/c injected; it provides approximately the same result as to injection into the muscle. KEY WORDS: Sheep, Necrobacillosis, Lincospectin SC injection, Lincospectin IM injection. INTRODUCTION Necrobacillosis on the hooves or limp is a disease with a strong impact on productive and reproductive capacity of ruminants, especially of sheep (1,3,7,8). Necrobacillosis as infection is widespread in cattle herds in the plains and hilly areas and continues to be problematic especially for small ruminants (1,4,7). From this infection depending on weather conditions and precipitation may be affected by 20 to 90% of heads. Necrobacillosis on the hooves or limp is a costly disease in the sheep breeding farms. Many manufacturers lose time and money every year to try to control it in their flocks (5). Necrobacilosis on the hooves as polyfactorial disease is derived in the form of severe and accompanied by painful flaws (2,6). The Necrobacillosis disease is seen in every season but the highest density occurs in the season of spring and autumn because the humidity is higher. Efforts are now directed at finding effective ways to control the infection with minimal risk of antibiotic residues in milk and meat. During the year 2011 the Necrobacilosis infection the heel was studied in four batches with 830 head of sheep. Sealed with a clinical control the number of animals with lameness syndrome, degree of lameness and vulnerable age. For each batch, in study groups of animals were raised to experiment treatment schemes. Groups of animals were composed of 3 experimental subgroups with lambs and sheep (with not less than 50 heads), with individuals in the degree of mild, moderate and severe lameness. In experiment was applied 3 regimen on an equal breeding, age and race. Treated animals were kept under schemes under the same conditions and were marked with paint to follow consistently. REFERENCES RESULTS Final results in the treatment of sheep with different schemes Necrobacillosis with antibiotics showed that best results were obtained with the use of the preparation of Lincospectin i/m. Results of using the preparation Lincospectin s/c injection in the crown area of the damaged hooves were lower than during use of the preparation of i/m. The difference of 5.47% in treatment efficacy between the preparation schemes Lincospectin think that fully justifies the use of s/c Lincospectin preparation in crown area of the damaged hooves and this is not only for the low dose but to use the lowest level of waste the antibiotic in the milk and sheep meat treat. Justifying the use of s/c Lincospectin preparation becomes more visible when analyzing the cost of treatment schemes used. Treatment of sheep by s/c Lincospectin Necrobacillosis a preparation in the crown area cost is about 0.82 Euros for animals treated, against 2.31 euro from the cost of treatment with this medicine injected i/m. 1. Berberi P. et al. (2009). Sëmundjet e Kafshëve Ripërtypëse. 2. Billington, et al. (1996) Virulence regions and virulence factors of the ovine footrot pathogen Dichelobacter nodosus. Microbiology 145: Blood, D.C. et al. (1989). in “Veterinary Medicine” 7 th edition Ballier Tindall, London. Interdigital necrobacilosis pp Green L. E et al., (2005). Looking after the individual to reduca disease in the flok: A binomial mixed effects model investigating the impact of individual sheep management of footrot and interdigital dermatitis in a prospektive longitudinal study on one farm. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 78, Wassink, G.J., et al. (2003). Risk factors associated with foot rot in sheep. Vet. Rec. 152, Wassink, G.J. et al. (2005). Footrot and interdigital dermatitis in sheep: Farmers’ practices, opinions and attitudes. Vet. Rec. 157, Pugh, D.G. (2003). Diseases of the foot. Sheep and Goat Medicine. Ed. Saunders, Radostits M, et al. (2005). Veterinary medicine. 9 th Edition. ABSTRACT In the first group was used Topoxy preparation 10%, 1 ml dose for 10 kg live body weight, i/m for 5 consecutive days. In the second group was used Lincospectin preparation, 1ml dose for 25 kg live body weight, i/m for 5 consecutive days. In the third group was used a half dose preparation Lincospectin, 1ml dose for 12 kg live body weight, s/c area of the damaged hooves crown. Animals were re controlled clinically after treatment with the three schemes and the results obtained were calculated in percentage. DISCUSSION Throughout the study period of lameness in sheep syndrome was observed in 282 out of 830 control heads or %. Density Index for Necrobacillosis in sheep it seems relatively high, but it is similar to other authors reporting on this problem. Wasink et al., (2003) reported that Necrobacillosis on the sheep have encountered in 8-10% of sheep controlled (with fluctuations that ranges from 3.32% to 74.52% in the different seasons of the year). While Green L. E et al., (2005) conclude that Necrobacillosis have encountered in sheep in 27.38% of heads. Our data obtained at the end of the experiment showed that a total of 82 chapters deal with the preparation Topoxy (regardless of the form of lameness and degree of damage to the heel) clinical cure was achieved in 54 heads or 65.85%. Treatment of sheep with parenteral preparation Lincospectin IM gave better results. After treatment were clinically cured 80 heads of 101 heads of treated or %. Treatment with a preparation scheme Lincospectin SC in the crown area of the damaged hooves (regardless of the form of clinical performance) clinically improved 73 of 99 of treated heads or 73.73%. Treatment schemeTotal head treated Clinically recoveredNot clinically recovered Heads% % Topoxy i/m Linkospectin i/m Linkospectin s/c T O T A L Results obtained in the treatment of sheep with different schemes