Feed My Sheep. What can you see in the picture? Which part of the story is it showing? Why are Jesus’ hands raised? Why is he shown in white?


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Presentation transcript:

Feed My Sheep

What can you see in the picture? Which part of the story is it showing? Why are Jesus’ hands raised? Why is he shown in white?

What can you see? What part of the story is this? Look at the way the artist has shown Peter- what do you think Peter is feeling? Why? One of Jesus’ hands is on Peters shoulder why do you think this is? The other hand seems to be pointing to the fish- why do you think this is?

This artist is showing the part of the story where Jesus talks to Peter What two things is Jesus giving Peter? How do think this is linked to the words ‘Feed my Sheep’

This picture is about the story although you may not think so! What can you see? How does the artist show the Sea of Galilee? What are the two main characters doing? How does this link to the story?

These two pictures show Peter denying Jesus and then speaking to the crowds after Pentecost. How has Peter changed? What do you think has made the difference?

Pope Benedict said: Being missionaries means loving God with all one's heart, even to the point, if necessary, of dying for him... Being missionaries means stooping down to the needs of all, like the Good Samaritan, especially those of the poorest and most destitute people. How did Peter do these things? Can you find evidence of what he did?

Pope Francis Said Jesus’ three questions to Peter about love are followed by three commands: feed my lambs, feed my sheep. Let us never forget that power is service, and that the Pope too, must open his arms to protect all of God’s people and embrace with tender affection the whole of humanity, especially the poorest, the weakest, the least important, : the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and those in prison) How does Pope Francis carry on the work of St Peter to ‘feed my Sheep’