S.P.E.C. it out! Columbus Landing at Guanahani, 1492 John Vanderlyn, 1847.


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Presentation transcript:

S.P.E.C. it out! Columbus Landing at Guanahani, 1492 John Vanderlyn, 1847

Today’s Learning Goal: We will identify the most impactful aspects of the Columbian Exchange. History-Social Science 5.2 Students trace the routes of early explorers and describe the early explorations of the Americas. Reading 2.4 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge.

Lesson Vocabulary O Exchange: To give someone something, and get something back. O Indigenous: People, or things that have always been in the place that they are.

The Columbian Exchange The exchange of people, animals, plants, and germs as a result of European Exploration.

Imagine a Life without … O Honeybees O Peaches O Coffee O Onions O Bananas O Citrus Fruits O Wheat O Rice O Cows O Sheep O Pigs O Horses

Now, imagine a life without these things. Whooping Cough Smallpox Measles Typhus Malaria and Influenza (The Flu)

So what did the “Old World” get in the exchange? O Tobacco O Squash, Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes O Peppers O Potatoes O Tomatoes O Corn O Pineapples O Turkeys

The Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange is a title used to describe the exchange of _________, _________, _________, and _________ as a result of European exploration. Christopher Columbus’ first voyage to the Americas set off a _________ exchange that would change the world forever. Many aspects of the exchange were ___________, but other things, such as ________, were brought unintentionally. Diseases had a devastating impact on the ___________ because the indigenous people had never been exposed to disease. peopleplants animals germs global intentional diseases “New World”

Social Studies Journal How has the Columbian Exchange had an impact on your life? What aspect do you think has changed the world the most?

Lesson Resources The Columbian Exchange G.O. History Notebook Mr.Klimas' LiveBinders