Mandatos Informales (Informal Commands) WALK! EAT! SLEEP!
In Spanish… When we want to tell a friend to do something we use informal (tú) commands… ¡Come! – EAT! ¡Camina!- WALK! ¡Duerme!- SLEEP! Do these endings look somewhat familiar?
They are formed by dropping the –s from the ending of the presente tú form. This means that you will be using –a (for verbs ending in –ar) –e (for verbs ending in –er or –ir) Positive Commands
Here are examples of what it looks like. STATEMENTCOMMAND (tú) caminas¡Camina!Walk! (tú) comes¡Come!Eat! (tú) duermes ¡Duerme! Sleep! Positive Commands
A positive command example for an –ir ending verb… Open the window! –Abrir (to open) Put it in the tú present tense form = tú abres Drop the –s = abre ¡Abre la ventana!
Speak! -hablar (to speak) -Put hablar in the tú present tense form= hablas - Drop the –s = habla ¡Habla ahora! A positive command example for an –ar ending verb…
Drink water! -beber (to drink) -Put beber in the tú present tense form= bebes - Drop the –s = bebe ¡Bebe agua! A positive command example for an –er ending verb…
What about reflexive verbs? The reflexive pronoun you will use is TE. With positive commands, the reflexive pronoun is attached to the end of the command. Levanta + te = Levántate Sienta + te = Siéntese *Note the accent is added to the third vowel from the end. This is required in writing these.
Eat more fruit! ¡----- más frutas! Sleep 8 hours a day horas al día. Study in the library everyday en la biblioteca todos los días. A-Te toca a tí (your turn)…
Take a bath now!!¡¡---- ahora!! Go up I I-75. Please, marry me! ¡Por favor, conmigo! B-Te toca a tí (your turn)…
Negative Commands Commands that are used to tell someone what NOT to do are negative. You will always write, hear or say NO before the negative command. The command is formed by switching the positive command endings to the opposite vowel and adding –s. This means that the –a ending is switched to –es and the –e ending is switched to –as.
Negative Commands Here are examples of what it looks like. POSITIVENEGATIVE fuma¡No fumes! Don’t smoke! corres¡No corras! Don’t run! duerme¡No duermas! Don’t sleep!
Don’t buy pizza! -Verb comprar (to buy, to purchase) -Put comprar in positive command form= compra -Change the –a to –es= compres ¡No compres la pizza! A negative command example for an –ar ending verb…
Don’t open the door! Verb abrir (to open) -Put abrir in the positive command form= abre -Change the –e to –as= abras ¡No abras la puerta! A negative command example for an –ir ending verb…
Don’t drink soda! -Verb beber (to drink) -Put beber in the positive command form= bebe -Change the –e to –as= bebas ¡No bebas los refrescos! A negative command example for an –er ending verb…
What about reflexive verbs? The reflexive pronoun you will use is TE. In negative commands, NO & TE precede the verb. Te + levanta =No te levantes. Te + sienta = No te sientes.
Don’t run in the house! ¡No en casa! Don’t open the book! ¡No el libro! C-Te toca a tí (your turn)…
Don’t read ahead of me! ¡No adelante de mí! Don’t sleep here please. No aquí por favor. D-Te toca a tí (your turn)…
Los irregulares Some verbs are changed in the stem for commands. Because of these stem changes they are irregular. If they are irregular in the formal form they will be in the informal form too. You have learned about these stem- change (boot) verbs previously.
Irregulars you need to know… verb positive negative hacer (to do) haz hagas tener (to have) ten tengas salir (to leave) sal salgas ser (to be) sé seas estar (to be) esté estes dar (to give) dé des saber(to know) sabe sepas ir (to go) ve vayas poner(to put) pon pongas venir (to come) ven vengas decir (to say) di digas
Verbs with spelling changes… There are several verbs that change spelling when made into negative commands to keep their sound… 1. Verbs ending in –gar like Jugar- ¡No juegues! - g changes to gue to keep the hard g sound 2. Verbs ending in –car like Practicar - ¡No practiques! -c changes to a que to keep the hard k sound 3. Verbs ending in –zar like Empezar- ¡No empieces! - z changes to ces to keep the soft z sound
Don’t arrive late! ¡No llegues tarde! -Verb llegar in positive form = llega -Change –a to –es and apply the spelling change = llegues Don’t touch the piano! ¡No toques el piano! - Verb tocar in positive form = toca -Change –a to –es and apply the spelling change = toques Examples of negative commands with needed changes…
Don’t eat lunch now! ¡No almuerces ahora! - Verb almorzar in positive form = almuerza -Change –a to –es and remember the spelling change= almuerces Don’t start the homework! ¡No comiences la tarea! - Verb comenzar in positive form = comienza - Change –a to –es and remember the spelling change= comiences Examples of negative commands with needed changes…
Don’t start ahead of me! ¡No adelante de mí! Don’t pay here please. No aquí por favor. E-Te toca a tí (your turn)…