This is what we drink
Clean Water
Clean Water Everywhere
Filtered even at the tap
Clear, Clean Water! How blessed we are!
This is what THEY drink…
Cattle, sheep and wild animals also drink from the ponds
They urinate and defecate in the water And then the people drink it!
Does any of this sound good to you?
Here’s what’s in the water It’s a parasite called Guinea Worm
Parasites don’t care if you are young or old
If you live in a village and you drink from the pond you will get Guinea Worm – and you will get it over and over!
The only cure is clean, parasite-free drinking water
Would you rather drink This… or This? or This?
If we don’t help them They will have to keep drinking this…
And getting this…
We drill water wells for them
We need 5,000 young people to find sponsors who will give $ total Will you be one of them?
Each Well costs $7,300 We are planning to drill 70 wells in 2009 We drilled 93 wells in 2007 And over 100 so far in 2008
The Challenge is to the youth! Show the world what YOU can do!
Please! Blessed is he that considers the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. Psalm 41:1