Infection Control DHYG 116 Oral Radiology I
Objectives Chapter 15 reading: Haring (pp. 162-173) Define the chapter keywords Discuss the rationale for infection control List 3 possible routes of transmission Discuss infection control procedures: handwashing, barriers, sterilization / disinfection Describe infection control procedures before, during and after x-ray exposure & processing Discuss film handling with and without barrier envelopes
Infection Control Questions What is the rationale for infection control? What infection control procedures are necessary before, during, and after x-ray exposure? What infection control procedures are necessary for processing?
Infection Control Chapter 15 Outline Infection Control and the Dental Radiographer Infection control basics Guidelines for infection control practices Infection control in dental radiography
Infection Control and the Dental Radiographer Infectious diseases present a significant hazard in the dental environment Infection control protocols are used in dentistry to minimize the potential for disease transmission
Rationale for Infection Control Haring (p. 163) To prevent the transmission of infectious diseases May be transmitted from Patient to dental professional Dental professional to patient Patient to patient
Pathogen A microorganism capable of causing disease
Infection Control Terminology Haring (pp. 163-164) Antiseptic Asepsis Bloodborne pathogen Disinfect Disinfection Exposure incident
Infection Control Terminology Infectious waste Occupational exposure Parenteral exposure Sharp Sterilize Sterilization Universal precautions
Guidelines for Infection Control Practices Haring (p. 164) (Box 15-1) Protective Attire and Barrier Techniques Handwashing and Care of Hands Sterilization and Disinfection of Instruments Cleaning and Disinfection of Dental Unit and Environmental Surfaces
Protective Attire and Barrier Techniques Haring (pp. 164-165) Protective clothing Gloves Masks Protective eyewear What’s missing?
Handwashing and Care of Hands Haring (p. 165) Handwashing Care of hands
Sterilization and Disinfection of Instruments Haring (p. 165) Critical instruments Semicritical instruments Noncritical instruments
Cleaning and Disinfection of Dental Unit and Environmental Surfaces Haring (p. 165) Intermediate-level disinfectants Low-level disinfectants
Infection Control in Dental Radiography Haring (pp. 165-166, 168) (Table 15-1) (Box 15-2) Infection Control Procedures Used Before Exposure Infection Control Procedures Used During Exposure Infection Control Procedures Used After Exposure Infection Control Procedures Used for Processing
Infection Control Procedures Used Before Exposure Haring (pp. 166-167) Preparation of the treatment area X-ray machine Dental chair Work area Lead apron
Infection Control Procedures Used Before Exposure Haring (p. 167) (Fig. 15-1) Preparation of supplies and equipment Film Film-holding devices Miscellaneous items
Infection Control Procedures Used Before Exposure Preparation of the patient Chair adjustment Headrest adjustment Lead apron Miscellaneous objects
Infection Control Procedures Used Before Exposure Preparation of the dental radiographer Handwashing Gloves Mask and eyewear Film-holding devices
Infection Control Procedures Used During Exposure Haring (pp. 167-168) Drying of exposed films Collection of exposed films Film-holding devices Interruptions during exposure
Infection Control Procedures Used After Exposure Haring (pp. 168-169) Disposal of contaminated items Film-holding devices Handwashing Lead apron removal Surface disinfection
Infection Control Procedures Used for Processing Haring (pp. 169-170) (Figs. 15-2, 15-3) Film transport Darkroom supplies Film handling with barrier envelopes Film handing without barrier envelopes Disinfection of darkroom Daylight loader procedures – in lab