One Step Disinfectant Cleaners When cleaning soiled areas are we cleaning and disinfecting?
What Do The Experts Say? International Federation of Infection Control. “Thorough cleaning and drying should always precede disinfecting and sterilization procedures” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Cleaning is the necessary first step of any sterilization or disinfection process” Disinfection Best Management Practices Minnesota Technical Assistance Program. “Surface cleaning should always precede disinfecting.”
One Step Disinfectant Cleaners Is cleaning with a disinfectant useful if we know that cleaning with a disinfectant is not disinfecting?
What Do The Experts Say? International Federation of Infection Control. “Environmental cleaning, floors, surfaces, sinks and drains should be cleaned with warm water and detergent. Routine use of disinfectants is unnecessary.”
What Do The Experts Say? Centers For Disease Control: Recommendations for Hospitals: Cleaning Housekeeping Surfaces. Most if not all surfaces need to be cleaned only with soap and water or detergent / disinfectant dependent on the surface and degree of contamination. The actual physical removal of microorganisms and soil by wiping or scrubbing is probably as important, if not more so,than any antimicrobial effect of the cleaning agent used.”
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfection Best Management Practices Minnesota Technical Assistance Program Many products are one-step cleaner/disinfectants. These products are intended for use on relatively clean surfaces. If a surface is dirty it should be pre-cleaned before a one-step disinfectant is used. Limit the use of antibacterial soaps. Widespread use of antibacterials has created concern about increasing bacterial resistance and pollution of drinking water. General Surface Cleaning physically removes all visible dirt,organic matter and bacteria.It is normally accomplished with water,mechanical action like scrubbing and detergents.
One Step Disinfectant Cleaners Cleaning with a disinfectant cleaner makes up for poor cleaning habits, like not changing cleaning solutions when dirty or washing and rinsing cleaning cloths.
What Do The Experts Say? Centers for Disease Control Reference to Cleaning With One Step Disinfectant Cleaner “Part of the cleaning strategy is to minimize contamination of cleaning solutions and cleaning tools. Bucket solutions become contaminated almost immediately during cleaning, and continued use of the solution transfers increasing numbers of microorganisms to each subsequent surface to be cleaned.”
One Step Disinfectant Cleaners Are disinfectant cleaners no more harmful than regular cleaners? Are disinfectant cleaners no more harmful than regular cleaners?
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectant Best Management Practices. Minnesota Technical Assistance Program “Because disinfectants are designed to kill, they are toxic. Most chemicals used as disinfectants are corrosive, irritants and potentially carcinogenic.”
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectants are designed to kill and they have a great potential to cause DNA damage to cells, cell mutations and ultimately cancer. WHAT IS CANCER? Cancer is a group of diseases in which abnormal cells in some organ go out of control-growing and increasing number. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba.
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectants are designed to kill and they have a great potential to cause DNA damage to cells, cell mutations and ultimately cancer. What is cancer? Normally, the cells in the body grow and reproduce themselves, generally at the same rate at which the old cells die. When cells grow out of control and form a mass, the mass is called a tumor. There are two types of tumors - benign and malignant. Benign tumors grow and enlarge only at the site where they began.Malignant or cancerous tumors can also invade and destroy the normal tissue around them and spread to other parts of the body. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba.
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectants are designed to kill and they have a great potential to cause DNA damage to cells, cell mutations and ultimately cancer. What is cancer? Distant spread of cancer occurs when malignant cells detach themselves from the original or primary tumor and are carried to other parts of the body, causing more tissue damage. When this happens, the cancer is said to have metastasized. When tumors affect organs such as the lungs, liver or brain, the damage and loss of organ function eventually cause death. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba.
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectants are designed to kill and they have a great potential to cause DNA damage to cells, cell mutations and ultimately cancer. What is cancer? Cancer usually takes many years to develop. Exposures to carcinogens today will be causing cancers many years into the future. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba.
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectants are designed to kill and they have a great potential to cause DNA damage to cells, cell mutations and ultimately cancer. In America cancer strikes 44% of men and 38% of women. In Canada 41% of males and 37.6% of women. In Canada 27.4% of males and 23.1 % of females will die from it. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba.
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectants are designed to kill and they have a great potential to cause DNA damage to cells, cell mutations and ultimately cancer. After decades of misleading assurances of major progress in the war against cancer the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society in a stunning reversal admitted that the incidence of cancer is expected to double by (Epstein,et al,IJHS,32(4): ,2002. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba.
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectants are designed to kill and they have a great potential to cause DNA damage to cells, cell mutations and ultimately cancer. The Good News. The World Health Organization estimates that 20% of cancers are genetic in origin and that 80% are environmentally based. This is good news, because it means 80% of cancers are preventable. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba.
What Do The Experts Say? Disinfectants are designed to kill and they have a great potential to cause DNA damage to cells, cell mutations and ultimately cancer. The Good News. There are safer ways of using these chemicals when they are needed and some disinfecting chemicals do not persist in the environment..
What Do The Experts Say? Many activitities in modern society contribute to cancer. The Good News. We can change. We can find a better way to treat our drinking water so that we do not have to accept the fact that drinking water can contribute to cancer. We can find new ways of doing things, to stop contaminating our air and water..
What Do The Experts Say? Many activitities in modern society contribute to cancer. The Good News. We will change because, we will not accept the forecast of the American Cancer Society of cancer rates doubling by
One Step Disinfectant Cleaners Do I have to clean with a disinfectant cleaner by law?
One Step Disinfectant Cleaners. There is no legal requirement to clean with a disinfectant. There may be a legal requirement to disinfect surfaces. The experts say cleaning must precede any disinfecting..
Why Clean With Toxic Disinfecting Chemicals? Did you know that a CDC study found disinfectants and pesticides in blood and urine samples of 2000 average Americans? Mount Sinai School of Medicine study found ingredients found in pesticides, disinfectants, general purpose, carpet and other cleaners in blood and urine samples of nine volunteers, none of which work with chemicals. If you work with chemicals you should assume you will have some of the chemicals you use or are exposed to as part of your body burden.
Why Clean With Toxic Disinfecting Chemicals? In a double blind study of 238 households and 1178 individuals, published by the American College of Physicians (March 2 nd Volume 140 issue 5 pages 321 to 329), households were provided cleaning products, 50% of which were antimicrobial cleaners and the others were regular cleaners.The study tracked the infection rates of all participants for 48 weeks. The study concluded there is no benefit to using antimicrobial soaps for cleaning. They could find no definitive evidence that use of antibacterial products for environmental cleaning reduced the risk for infections in the home or hospital settings. (This in no way suggests there is no benefit to disinfecting surfaces after cleaning.)
Good Cleaning Is The Key To Good Disinfection Never ignore your own safety during cleaning Avoid undue exposure to disinfecting chemicals
Limit the use of Disinfectants to disinfecting Use safer disinfecting methods. Avoid undue exposure to disinfecting chemicals.
Removing Disinfectants From Cleaning Products Is Best For Everyone Questions?