for the Manufacture of Safe Pet Food TRAINING PACKAGE Module IX Storage and transport FEDIAF Guide to Good Practice
9. STORAGE AND TRANSPORT 9.1 Transport and Warehousing 9.2 Segregation 9.3 Stock Rotation
9. Storage & Transport Intro Finished product and its raw & intermediate materials will be stored and transported in a way the pet food will maintain quality and safety for the animal! What are THE objectives of this module ?
9.1 Transport and Warehousing Keep all vehicles and warehouses in hygienic conditions! All used containers free from contamination Only authorised persons can access to storage areas Name and address of carriers is registered Ensure maintenance of specified temperature Goods must be clearly identifiable Weather protection shall be provided when appropriate
9.1 Transport and Warehousing Specific conditions for usage of Animal By Products: Use sealed new packaging or covered leak- proof containers. For all surfaces in direct contact to Animal By Products: Clean, wash and disinfect after use Check if clean and dry before use Cat. 3 materials, must be processed within 24h after generating, if not chilled or frozen Clearly labelled “pet food only”
9.2 Segregation 9.3 Stock Rotation 9.2 prevent cross contamination related to –finished product, –packaging –raw materials 9.3 Ensure that materials and products are used – in the correct order –within the allocated shelf life. Ensure correct stock rotation according to F.I.F.O.(First In - First Out) or F.E.F.O. (First Expiring – First Out).