Pediculus Humanus Capitis What is that?! What does it have to do with me?
Head Lice Millions of students each year get head lice. Lice are tiny insects the size of a sesame seed. They can NOT fly nor jump – only crawl. They live on human heads and need warmth and blood to survive. Without warmth and blood, they will die in 1-2 days.
Figure A: A head louse using its powerful claws to grasp a hair shaft Source: Sally Speare and Rick Speare ©, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, James Cook University, Townsville, 1998.
Life cycle of a head lice
Figure B: Head lice eggs on hair and head louse on fingernail Photo courtesy of Foundation Studios
Head Lice The insect has 6 legs and each leg has a claw at the end to grip the human hair and hang on. The louse detects vibration and will hide if you move the hair. It can crawl 6 – 30 cm/minute. The louse can “camouflage” itself by changing it’s color to match the host’s hair color.
How do head lice move from one head to another? Head lice are like trapeze artists - they swing from hair to hair using their strong claws. Head lice need close head-to-head contact to spread from one person to another. Electrostatic charge from combing dry hair can fling head lice up to 1 meter. Only the young lice and adult lice can move from one head to another.
Who gets head lice? We can ALL get head lice. They have no preference for particular groups. Young children attract them more easily because of head-to-head contact during play. Adults can get head lice from children and can re-infect children.
Detection of Head Lice Early detection helps to break the head lice cycle and enables effective management to start as soon as possible. Many people do not know they have head lice and do not know how to find them. If there are many eggs, you may see them and it might look like dandruff.
Head Lice Detection at School The school nurse or health clerk can check the child’s head for nits and lice by just looking closely. Checking in the direct sunlight helps you see the lice and nits.
How do you treat lice? There are over-the-counter medicines available such as NIX and RID. Prescription only remedies like Kwell
Nix (15 Permethrin) Synthetic (man-made) drug – most commonly recommended by doctors Cream rinse applies to towel-dried hair and left on for 10 minutes, then rinsed off. Leaves a residue to kill the nymphs that are still going to hatch from eggs. Repeat in 7-10 days if you still see live lice. Do not shampoo for 24 hours post Nix. Avoid chlorine, conditioners, cream rinse, mouse gels, hair spray, hair color, mayo and vinegar for 2 weeks. Can use equal parts of vinegar/water BEFORE Nix to help remove the nits.
RID – natural pyrethrin Made from natural extracts of chrysanthemum flowers. Apply to dry hair, shampoo and rinse after 10 minutes – must repeat in 7 – 10 days. Rinse over sink (not shower) to avoid excessive skin contact. Use cool water to decrease absorption (hot water opens up blood vessels).
More hot tips for RID and Nix Read all instructions!! And follow them! Apply to Nix to dry hair (wet hair will dilute the medicine). You may need to use more for longer hair. You must comb out eggs and nits with a fine- toothed comb.
Prescription options Lice is becoming resistant to treatments and sometimes a prescription is needed (Kwell). There are side effects to this medication and parents should discuss this option with the pediatrician or family doctor.
Don’t Forget to Clean…. Home and car upholstery (booster seats, too) Mattresses, pillows, pillow cases and sheets Towels Hats, hair bands, barrettes Helmets Head phones Stuffed animals and plush toys
And don’t forget…. Coats, scarves, ear muffs, gloves Play mats Clothes Hair rollers Combs and brushes Backpacks
How do you clean everything? Hot water laundry and at least 20 minutes on the “HOT” cycle in the dryer. Seal stuffed animals/plush toys iun a plastic baggie for 2 – 4 weeks. Disinfect combs and brushes in hot boiling water for 10 minutes. Spray upholstery and then vacuum. Toss the vacuum bag or spray the canister!
What about the rest of the family? Check everyone in the family for lice. Treat if you see live lice or nits. If family members share the same bed, treat even if you don’t see live lice or nits!!
How do we prevent lice? Don’t share hats, jackets, combs or hair accessories. If you are itching – let the teacher or nurse know and tell your parents. Contact the office when your child has lice so that the school can take preventive measures.
Is it dangerous to have lice? No, it is only a nuisance. You can’t get any diseases from lice. There is NO shame in having lice and it is no different than catching a cold. Pets do not get or give people lice.
Head lice CAN be managed if we all work together to detect and treat these pests REMEMBER: Check weekly Treat quickly Tell the school