Drinking Water Sampling MRWA’s Annual Meeting December 10, 2014 Carlton Gardner Compliance Team Leader Maine Drinking Water Program 207-287-8403www.medwp.com.


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Presentation transcript:

Drinking Water Sampling MRWA’s Annual Meeting December 10, 2014 Carlton Gardner Compliance Team Leader Maine Drinking Water Program www.medwp.com 1

DWP’s Core Message The ability for a PWS to provide Safe Drinking Water revolves around four principals: Protect Your Source Take Your Samples Maintain Your Treatment Inspect Your Pipes & Tanks DWP is here to help public water systems do these things Protect Your Source Take Your Samples Maintain Your Treatment Inspect Your Pipes & Tanks Keep Your Drinking Water Safe: 2

The Drinking Water Program works to ensure safe drinking water in Maine and to protect public health by administering and enforcing drinking water and subsurface wastewater regulations, providing education, technical and financial assistance. The program staff includes engineers, geologists, chemists, environmental and legal specialists and other dedicated professionals. As a result, there is a range of expertise available to the regulated community and the general public. 3

* Secure well cap, * Make sure well cap is properly installed to keep out weather, bugs and animals, * Keep wellhead area free from potential sources of contamination like pesticide use, chemical and fuel storage, and animal waste, * Protect wellhead from vandalism, 4

* Know when samples are due. (Refer to your Annual Required Testing form.), * Take samples on time and deliver to laboratory on time, * Take samples at designated sampling site, * Take samples properly. Make sure to disinfect the faucet for bacteria samples and take care not to touch the inside of the sample bottles or rinse them out, * Sample early in your compliance period!!! 5

* Monitor chlorine residuals & report them on Monthly Operating Reports (MOR’s), * Submit MOR’s monthly to the DWP by the 10 th day of the following month, * Check to make sure treatment system is in good operating condition & labeled, * Have treatment system serviced on a regular basis and keep maintenance logs, * Use only chemicals certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 60, 6

* Monthly Operating Reports (MOR) * If you add a chemical or use UV, * Due by the 10 th day of the following month, * MOR templates can be found on the DWP website: Monthly Operating Reports Monthly Operating Reports 7

* Check for cross connections, * Install vacuum breakers on hose bibs, * Check for leaks, * Secure storage tank and screen the vent and overflow, * Look for dramatic changes in pressure within your water system which could indicate a problem, * Properly disinfect your water system after any repairs, 8

9 1. Unless a shorter period is specified, the results of tests, measurements, and analyses required by Sections 7, 8 and 9 of these regulations shall be reported by the tenth day of the month following the month in which the samples were analyzed. 2. All reports of laboratory analyses for compliance purposes must be submitted to the Department by the certified laboratory contracted by the public water system to analyze the samples. Reminder the RULES RELATING TO DRINKING WATER require:

10 Lab CodeName of LabWebsiteCityStateTelephone A&LA & L Laboratory AuburnME(207) BWDL Brewer Water Department Laboratory (Lab is located at the Water Treatment Plant) department/water-testing-lab/ HoldenME(207) CLWRClearWater Laboratory (A Division of Acheron Engineering) ental%20Lab.htm NewportME(207) MEWTRMaine Water Company - Mirror Lake Laboratory ab%20Services.aspx RockportME(207) MEC Maine Coast Laboratory (DBA Water Quality & Compliance Services Inc.) WiscassetME 207) HETLHealth and Environmental Testing Laboratory health-systems/health-and-environmental- testing/standard.htm AugustaME(207) KTHDNKatahdin Analytical Services ScarboroughME(207) MEENVMaine Environmental Laboratory YarmouthME(207) NLSONNelson Analytical Lab KennebunkME(207) NELABNortheast Laboratory Services - Portland PortlandME(207) NELABNortheast Laboratory Services WinslowME(207) PARISParis Utility District Laboratory N/A South ParisME(207) Maine In-state Commercial Drinking Water Labs NOTE: A complete list of all labs certified by Maine is available at All Certified Laboratories (xls file)All Certified Laboratories

List of Labs & Annual Required Monitoring Sheets, Can be found at 11



* Pre-Compliance Phone calls and s! 14

* Routine bacteria samples should be taken from a site listed on sampling plan, * DWP Field Inspectors will verify your sample locations during a sanitary survey, * Routine bacteria sample site(s) should be representative of the distribution system,  Not from the well building! 15


* Sterile Bottle, * Remove aerator and disinfect end of faucet, * Sodium Thio-Sulfate to neutralize chlorine, * Do not rinse out bottle, * Do not touch inside of bottle or cap with fingers, * Need 100ml of sample, * 30 hour hold time, 17

 Depending on where you are first class US Mail is now a 2 – 3 day service.  No matter which lab you are using, bacteria and nitrate samples will have to be rejected if they do not make it to the laboratory within 30 hours for bacteria and 48 hours for nitrates. 18

* It is recommended to collect bacteria water sample’s at a fixed bathroom faucet with the aerator removed, (Hose bibs and kitchen faucets with swivel arms are not recommended locations for bacteria sampling). 19

* PWSID Number, * System Name, Address, * Contact name & Phone #, * Collection Date & Time for each sample, * Sample location (kitchen faucet; bar sink; raw water tap; etc…), * Chlorine Residual,  Reminder: All CWS & NTNC systems that chlorinate must take and record chlorine residuals for any Total Coliform bacteria sample. * Signature, * Is this a compliance sample? 20

* Paperwork not filled out completely, especially collection date and time. * Wrong sample date (future date). * Not enough sample volume. * Compliance forms not signed. * Sample collected one day, but not mailed until the following day. * Paperwork not returned with sample. * Air bubbles in Vials, 21

There are no labs in Maine that analyze these contaminants… 22

 Raw Water sampling port,  Before any treatment,  Before any storage, 23

* 1 liter container * Water must sit motionless in plumbing for minimum of 6 hours * Collect as 1 st Draw by placing open container under faucet then turn on faucet to collect first draw of water * Record date and time the water was last used and the date and time the water was collected on the 141A form and the chain of custody form(s) * 14 day hold time 24

* Reminder: * Lead & Copper sample collection: Most systems on annual and triennial samples need to be collected June, July, August, or September. 25

* (3) 40ml voa vial’s with septa cap treated with ascorbic acid * (3) small plastic tubes of Hydrochloric Acid * (1) Trip Blank 26

* Trip Blank: Is a clean sample shipped from the laboratory to the sampling site and transported back to the laboratory without having been exposed to sampling procedures. * Purpose: Assess contamination introduced during shipping and field handling procedures. * DO NOT OPEN TRIP BLANKS! Just return to the lab with your sample. 27

* Remove any screen, hoses and aerators from end of faucet. * Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes to make sure water has not been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks and is fresh from the well. * Turn water down to a flow rate slow enough so you can collect the samples without splashing. * Remove cap from vial. Do not allow inside of cap, inside of bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object. The vials contain a small amount of white powder. This is ascorbic acid used to dechlorinate the sample. * Run the water into the bottle until it is ¼” from full. Fill the other two vials in the same manner. 28


* So you missed a sample! * Now what? * You sampled but your lab did not send the results in! 30

* Effective April 1, 2016, * MCL Violations will be based on E.coli results, * Positive TC samples require a Level 1 Assessment, * Positive Total Coliform trigger a treatment technique violation if??? * Positive E.C require a Level 2 Assessment, * Public Notice required for E.coli violation, failure to conduct assessment, failure to correct sanitary defects, 31

* Public Notice required for E.coli violation, failure to conduct assessment, failure to correct sanitary defects, * All Community systems on Monthly, * All Non-community systems on Quarterly, * Seasonal system on monthly, * Seasonal systems have to have a start up plan, * And certify annually the start up plan has been completed. 32

* NC Systems need satisfactory 12 month history to go back to quarterly and no sanitary defects, * All systems required to collect 3 rechecks for each positive sample, * Systems on quarterly collect 3 samples the next month, * All systems need to have a bacteria sampling plan.. 33

SECTION 3 FACILITIES APPROVAL No new construction, addition, or alteration involving the source, treatment, or storage of water in any system shall be commenced until the plans and specifications have been submitted to and approved in writing by the DWP. Allow 30 days for approvals Changes in treatment processes which involve the addition or deletion of any chemicals require prior approval by the Department.

DWP Compliance Staff Darren Brann Darren Brann Jennifer Grant Jennifer Grant Jed Haws Jed Haws Jason Pushard Jason Pushard Bill Wallace Bill Wallace

Questions? Carlton Gardner Maine Drinking Water Program 36