Read your independent SEM-R novel Read your independent SEM-R novel. If you don't have one, look through the Literature book under your desk.
Media center checkout tomorrow. Bring any due books or your September 29 and 30, 2011 - Jeremiah's Song Dialect and the use of conversational voice Homework: Media center checkout tomorrow. Bring any due books or your own book that you can read. Also, bring colored pencils to class. Lesson Essential Question: How does an author reveal a character through dialect? Warm Up: Read the paragraph on pg. 220 under "When is a story a treasure?" and complete the Quickwrite activity. Your response should be at least 5 sentences in length.
Turn in your Literature book to pg. 221 Let's begin by looking at the "Text Analysis" and "Reading Strategy" sections...
Text analysis: Dialect and conversational voice Define dialect - a way of speaking that is common in a particular region or community (accent, different words or phrases, grammar) Define conversational voice - a voice that makes it seem as if the narrator is speaking to the reader
Model the skill: Dialect and conversational voice Let's read this example aloud... "I didn't know if they was true or not. Tell the truth I didn't think much on it either way, but I liked to hear them stories." What parts of this example represent dialect and conversational voice? them, they was true, tell the truth
Reading strategy: Monitor Define monitor - check your understanding - clarify, paraphrase, summarize, stop along the way, reread, take notes Why might dialect make a story difficult to understand? You may not be familiar with that dialect
Let's read the "Meet the author" and "Background to the story" sections together. Then we will watch a short video trailer to introduce the story.
Tiered Discussion Questions Easy When is a story a treasure? What does Macon do to show that he treasures Grandpa's stories? He plays the guitar as he is listening to Grandpa tell the stories. Average Analyze dialect and conversational voice Reread lines 117-124. What words and phrases does Myers use to create a precise description of Grandpa Jeremiah's room? What mood does this use of dialect and conversational voice create? smelled like disinfect and medicine, closed up, gray, skin is loose - mood - gloomy, depressing Challenging Analyze dialect and conversational voice Reread the profile of Walter Dean Myers on pg. 221. How might Myers' personal experience influence his writing style? His grandfather could have been an influence and a model for Grandpa Jeremiah since they were both great storytellers.
Comprehension quiz on Jeremiah's Song
Homework Media center checkout tomorrow. Bring any due books or your own book to read!
September 29, 2011 Today's question: Why did the author of your book choose to use this point of view?