Accelerator Frontier: Opportunities for Impact Stuart Henderson PASI Meeting April 4, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Accelerator Frontier: Opportunities for Impact Stuart Henderson PASI Meeting April 4, 2013

Outline Opportunities in HEP Broad Uses of Accelerators Going Beyond Discovery Science to Applications Opportunities and Challenges 2S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

Fermilab’s Accelerator Strategy 3 NuMI (120 GeV): 350 kW Booster (8GeV): 35 kW NuMI (120 GeV) 700 kW Booster (8GeV): 80 kW Project-X: 120 GeV 3 GeV 1 1 GeV GeV Neutrino Factory Establish a world-leading program at the Intensity Frontier, enabled by a world-class facility Technology Development and Fundamental Accelerator Science LHC Tevatron LHC Tevatron LHC Upgrades in luminosity and energy LHC Upgrades in luminosity and energy Lepton Colliders …and use this program to provide a cornerstone for an Energy Frontier facility beyond LHC …while relying on a strong program of technology development and fundamental accelerator science. S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

Opportunities in HEP and Discovery Science: These are Well-known Very important topics are present areas of focus: Project-X  PXIE/FETS  Concepts for optimized spallation target systems  Concepts for optimized irradiation target systems  Surface muon yields for MuSR -> Development of MuSR concept  Muon production target concepts -> development for high power targets (1MW) for “high” (> 30 MeV) energy in-flight muon beams to drive next-gen muon expts and kaon beam experiments. Muon Accelerators (NF/MC)  MICE, IDS/NF, EMMA, nuSTORM, MC, … Technologies for HEP:  High-power targets: RaDIATE collaboration, liquid metal  Superconducting RF  Beam instrumentation …and fundamental accelerator science:  Integrable Optics Test Accelerator, ASTA S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 20134

Opportunities in Fundamental Accelerator Science: The ASTA Facility ASTA includes an ~800 MeV electron linac designed and built to ILC specs (an “ILC RF Unit”) Low-energy and high-energy experimental areas A small storage ring (IOTA) to explore novel non-linear beam dynamics Proposal for ASTA completion and establishment of accelerator R&D user facility 5 S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

ASTA Science Thrusts Intensity Frontier of Particle Physics Nonlinear, integrable optics Space-charge compensation 6 Energy Frontier of Particle Physics Optical Stochastic Cooling Advanced phase-space manipulation Flat beam-driven DWFA in slabs Superconducting Accelerators for Science Beam-based system tests with high-gradient cryomodules Long-range wakes Ultra-stable operation of SCLs Novel Radiation Sources High-brightness x-ray channeling Inverse Compton Gamma Ray source Stewardship and Applications Generation and Manipulation Ultra-Low Emittance Beams for Future Hard X-ray FELs XUV FEL Oscillator S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

Proton Accelerators for Science and Innovation Innovation, n, something newly introduced, such as a new method or device It is becoming increasingly important to demonstrate the relevance of HEP research to real-world problems Where are the opportunities for doing that? S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 20137

There are 30,000 Particle Accelerators Making an Impact on Our Lives 8 Discovery Science Medicine National Security Industry Energy and Environment Accelerators and Beams S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

Accelerators are Essential Tools in Industry A wide-range of industrial applications makes use of accelerator- produced beams for  Semiconductor (chip) manufacturing  Cross-linking and polymerization for tires, rubber, plastics  Sterilization, irradiation, welding, hardening, cutting, inspection There are ~20,000 industrial accelerators Annual Market for industrial accelerator systems: $1.9 B Annual value of all products that make use of accelerator technology: $500B 9 Applied Materials, Inc. S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

Accelerators are Essential Tools for Medical Treatment and Diagnosis S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013 Tens of millions of patients receive accelerator-based diagnoses and treatments each year 50 medical isotopes, used for diagnosis and treatment, are routinely produced with accelerators There are ~9000 medical accelerators in operation in the world Annual market for medical accelerator systems: $4 B 10 Siemens Eclipse Cyclotron (11 MeV) marketed for PET isotope production

Accelerators for National Security Accelerators are used for cargo scanning and “active interrogation” to detect special materials S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013 …and in Nuclear Defense: stockpile stewardship, materials characterization, radiography, and support of non-proliferation 11 pRad movie of high-speed shock test of Sn disk at usec intervals

What Are the Applications of the Future? S. Henderson, PASI, April 4,

Accelerators for the Environment Accelerators can purify drinking water and treat waste water disinfect sewage sludge, clean power-plant emissions by removing NO X and SO X from flue gases with high efficiency R&D on new technologies may lead to better and more cost- effective approaches Challenge: very high beam power (MW-class and beyond) at high-efficiency, high reliability and low cost S. Henderson, PASI, April 4,

Accelerators in the Energy Sector 14 Accelerators have tremendous potential – largely untapped thus far – in the Energy Sector: Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors can transmute nuclear waste so it is much safer and simpler to store, while at the same time generating electrical power Many R&D aspects can be pursued at a suitable facility: MYRRHA Moving forward is hampered by lack of sense of urgency, and focus on economics of spent fuel and once-through cycle Generating electrical power from nuclear fusion by utilizing particle accelerators: Heavy-ion Inertial Confinement Fusion Enormous Challenges! MYRRHA Accelerator Driven Reactor Project, Mol, Belgium S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

Materials for next generation fission reactors or fusion devices need an order of magnitude greater radiation resistance than those in use today Accelerator-driven radiation sources can provide fission/fusion-relevant neutron fluxes Applications of Accelerators: Materials Irradiation Zinkle and Busby, Materials Today 12 (2009) 12. Fission reactors include very-high-temperature reactors (VHTR), supercritical water-cooled reactors (SCWR), gas- cooled fast reactors (GFR), lead-cooled fast reactors (LFR), sodium- cooled fast reactors (SFR), and molten-salt reactors (MSR) SS Courtesy R. Kurtz, PNNL

Accelerators for Medical Applications: Radioisotope Production 16 Particle accelerators already are used to produce ~50 medical isotopes. New high power accelerators can solve specific problems:  Tenuous supply chain for clinically relevant fission-produced radioisotopes such as 99 Mo/ 99m Tc (most commonly used radioisotope); need to develop non-HEU production  Uncertainties in continuous access to specific radioisotopes for medical research  Production of new clinically relevant isotopes US-articulated Needs and Goals  PoP demo of increased production of alpha-emitting radioisotopes for therapy  New electromagnetic isotope separator facility  New, 30–40 MeV variable-energy, multi-particle, high-current accelerator facility  Initiative to address significant increase in demand as research opportunities expand into general use S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

Accelerators for Medical Applications: Beam Therapy 17 Emphasis is on Carbon-ion therapy  Higher biological effectiveness  Superior dose distribution Beginning to see emerging interest in the U.S. (both public and private) Proton Computed Tomography (pCT): capability of distinguishing subtle differences in density without contrast medium S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013 US-articulated Needs and Goals  Significant improvement in beam delivery and field-shaping systems  Motion correction – imaging, dose detection and flexibility of beam delivery  Ability to locate the position of the target in real time – requires substantial technical development  Reduce size and cost of accelerators and gantries

Compact Accelerators Much work ongoing world-wide to develop compact accelerators which have the potential for very compact (and less expensive) sources of x- rays, electrons and protons for beam therapy, radiation sources and other applications Laser wakefield, dielectric wakefield, laser/foil ion sources, FFAGs, … 18 W. Leemans, LBNL One billion volt accelerator (1.3 inches long) Concept for compact proton therapy accelerator, LLNL

Can we Grow Connections with Industry? Key Ingredients and Issues: Industrial capabilities  Industry does many things better than laboratories and universities.  They don’t need help on old technologies (electrostatic accelerators, conventional cyclotrons, RFQs, …)  The big players already have enormous R&D budgets (Varian, GE Medical, …) Lab capabilities:  Labs are out in front in terms of new technologies:  Laboratories build and operate expensive infrastructure But, there are substantial barriers… S. Henderson, PASI, April 4,

Eric Isaacs (ANL Director) : “Historically, this is how the labs have viewed industry…” S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, Courtesy: Eric Isaacs

Eric Isaacs (ANL Director): “…and this is how industry has viewed us. “ Courtesy: Eric Isaacs 21 S. Henderson, PASI, April 4, 2013

Making the Connections: the Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC) IARC is a new facility, expected to come online in FY15, depending on funding IARC is a partnership between the DOE and State of Illinois with a mission to bring together Industry, Universities and Fermilab to develop, demonstrate and transfer accelerator technology to solve problems of national importance in medicine, industry, energy, environment, security and discovery science S. Henderson, PASI, April 4,

View on Stewardship from the US Department of Energy Mike Zisman, DOE DOE Stewardship-PASI23

Connecting Accelerator R&D to Science and to End-User Needs 24DOE Stewardship-PASI

The Committee understands that powerful new accelerator technologies created for basic science and developed by industry will produce particle accelerators with the potential to address key economic and societal issues confronting our Nation. However, the Committee is concerned with the divide that exists in translating breakthroughs in accelerator science and technology into applications that benefit the marketplace and American competitiveness. The Committee directs the Department to submit a … 10-year strategic plan … for accelerator technology research and development to advance accelerator applications in energy and the environment, medicine, industry, national security, and discovery science. The strategic plan should be based on the results of the Department's 2010 workshop study, Accelerators for America's Future, that identified the opportunities and research challenges for next-generation accelerators and how to improve coordination between basic and applied accelerator research. The strategic plan should also identify the potential need for demonstration and development facilities to help bridge the gap between development and deployment. Senate Report , p. 93. (Ordered to be printed September 7, 2011) Request for a new activity in accelerator R&D from SEWD 25 Accelerators for America's Future Workshop: October 2009 Report: June 2010 DOE Stewardship-PASI

 Mission: to support fundamental accelerator science and technology development of relevance to many fields and to disseminate accelerator knowledge and training to the broad community of accelerator users and providers.  Strategies:  Improve access to national laboratory accelerator facilities and resources for industrial and for other U.S. government agency users and developers of accelerators and related technology;  Work with accelerator user communities and industrial accelerator providers to develop innovative solutions to critical problems, to the mutual benefit of our customers and the DOE discovery science community;  Serve as a catalyst to broaden and strengthen the community of accelerator users and providers  Strategic plan sent to Congress in October 2012 The Accelerator R&D Stewardship Program 26DOE Stewardship-PASI

Next Steps 27  Augment existing programs to provide infrastructure access for industrial users at DOE facilities and to increase support staff and funding for technology development at beam test facilities, such as ATF and FACET  completed survey of available national lab infrastructure and capabilities  develop plans via multi-lab workshop  In the mid-term (2–5 years), identify a few topical areas with high impact for focused work. Anticipated areas are: (1) improved particle beam delivery and control for cancer therapy facilities; and (2) laser development addressing the needs of the accelerator community, i.e., high peak power, high average power, and high electrical efficiency. Each topical area will have a stakeholder board.  In the longer term (5–10 years), select additional topical areas for focused work. New stakeholder boards will be created as topics are identified.  In steady state, SC/HEP goal is to support at least three topical areas at any given time. DOE Stewardship-PASI

S. Henderson, PASI, April 4,