Distribution In The Agricultural Industry(Poultry And Snail Farming) Awosanmi V.O. PhD MBA Folawiyo Farms Ltd, Ilora
Marketing Mix Blending the four strategy elements of market decision making to satisfy chosen consumer segments Product Pricing Place/distribution Promotion The degree of marketing success is determined by combination of the four variables
Distribution Activities, decisions and marketing intermediaries involved in moving products and services to consumers and industrial users Objective is getting the right goods to the right places at the right time for the least cost
Poultry and Snail Products Poultry- –Eggs and further processed products –Poultry meat and further processed products –Day-old chicks(pullet,broiler and parent’s stock) –Live birds(culled layers and breeders,live broilers –Hatching eggs
Poultry and Snail Products (contd) Snail –Shelled snail –Frozen snail
Distribution Channels The distribution of poultry flocks does not coincide with the geographical distribution of consumers hence necessity for distribution channels Distribution channels are marketing bridges between producer and consumer or industrial user –Responsible for physical and title flow of goods and services –Marketing intermediaries (wholesale and retail)
Producers Consumers Channels
The Role Of Distribution Channels Specialists in performance of marketing functions rather than producing or manufacturing They perform these activities more efficiently than producers or consumers
Types of Distribution Channels Literally hundreds of marketing channels exist today and there is no such thing as one best distribution channel Proper channels have to be chosen, monitored and adjusted when necessary
Types of Distribution Channels(contd) Producer to consumer or industrial user(industrial goods) Producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer(consumer goods) Producer to wholesaler to industrial user Dual distribution uses two or more distribution channels to reach the same target market. To maximize coverage in the market place or make marketing effort more cost effective
Distribution of Poultry Products In Practice The development of distribution channels in the poultry industry depends on product,market analysis, producer and competitive factors In general since poultry products are perishable, they require relatively short channels, directly to the retailer or ultimate consumers
Eggs Among the most delicate and perishable food products,are subject to deterioration and easily affected by surroundings Consumers are quick to discriminate against poor eggs, it is important to produce right kind of eggs and handling to reach consumers with the least possible loss of original quality
Eggs(contd) Most farmers are small/medium scale with limited financial,managerial and marketing resources hence compelled to utilize intermediaries in marketing products Production concerns have been priority with marketing an after-thought
Commercial Eggs Retail Outlets Consumers Wholesale Distributors Institutions Manufacturing Industry Egg Products
Poultry Meat(Frozen Chicken) The product has more developed marketing than eggs. Emergence of fast food sector has encouraged significant expansion in poultry meat production and marketing The line requires financial buoyancy hence producers have to hire own sales force,blast freeze and refrigerate / warehouse products and grant credit to wholesalers or consumers Distribution is mostly by direct marketing
Frozen Chicken(contd) However advantage is being taken of high profit margin at the retail end of the market by setting up retail shops. This also assists in disposal of off-size chicken(under and oversize) since the market has specific size requirements
Processor Institutional Outlets Consumers Retail Wholesale Distributor
Day- Old Chicks The product is live,delicate and market is most sensitive to quality considerations The big players handle most of the distribution although the wide spread of the market makes reliance on back up of marketing intermediaries inevitable
Live Broilers/ Culled Layers This segment is firmly in the hands of marketing intermediaries who sell to retailers in open markets on daily or market day basis Demand is higher during festive seasons
Shelled Snail/Frozen Snail Attention more on production than marketing Distribution mostly limited to retailing(open market/road-side) for shelled snail and meat shops for frozen snail
The Future The industry is facing challenges of declining profit margins due to astronomic cost of production,declining demand for products and unfriendly operating environment Effective distribution of products employing a dual approach will certainly enhance profitability
The Future(Contd) Adequate geographical spread of distribution can be advantageous Each account has to be accorded a personalized approach to enhance mutually beneficial long term relationship in the face of stiff competition